Labor legislation and regulations that regulate the rules for sending employees on business trips (Government Decree
What are other current assets? Other current assets (OCA) represent minor items in
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Reasons for introducing new forms Before the introduction of new application options, entrepreneurs were registered using forms
What are the main criteria for controlled transactions in 2020? Controlled transactions are subject to inspection by the Federal Tax Service for
Innovations Any organization or individual entrepreneur becomes a taxpayer from the moment of state registration and assignment of a TIN. WITH
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Wages Back Published: 03/03/2016
Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the timing of receiving vacation benefits Annual paid leave is provided to each employee.
Purpose and content of the document An invoice for payment is a document containing payment details and
Home / Labor Law / Employment / Combination and part-time work Back Published: 07/25/2016 Time