an accountant talking on the phone with a kind taxman
Rules and methods for evaluating balance sheet items
The balance sheet is not only one of the main forms of financial reporting, but also contains
Rospotrebnadzor inspections for 2021: plan and schedule of inspections by TIN
Types of inspections Rospotrebnadzor inspections are of several types: Scheduled, carried out every 3 years on the basis
Types of inspections
How to pay and record the time employees undergo a mandatory medical examination
Does an employer have the right to require a medical examination on a day that is a day off for an employee? Legally
New Year's gifts for employees in 1C: Enterprise Accounting ed. 3.0
Gifts to employees are part of the corporate culture and an element of employee motivation. New Year holidays, February 23,
Calculation of vacation days for a fixed-term employment contract
The right to vacation under a fixed-term employment contract: all the nuances
07/19/2019 0 192 4 min. All officially employed citizens have the legal right to annual
Employment contract form: how to draw it up correctly, sample standard contract for 2021
The form of a standard employment contract was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2016 No. 858. See “Approved
The nuances of entering a note about the dismissal of an employee in the work book. Do I need a record and how can I correct incorrect data?
Obligation to make entries in the book Both companies and individual entrepreneurs are required to make entries in
Staffing table: how to arrange it according to all the rules in 2019,
Staffing schedule for 2021 - we draw up according to all the rules
What is staffing and why is it needed? Staffing table according to T-3 form -
Why is classification of fixed assets necessary? Since 01/01/2017, new OKOF codes began to apply, therefore
signatures on the waybill
New Rules for the transportation of goods by road
The procedure for filling out the TTN and the rules must be followed fully, since this is an important document
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