Home / Labor Law / Personnel Management / Personnel Records Back Published: 08/07/2016 Time
Question: When my firstborn was 10 months old, I interrupted my maternity leave and
To protect all road users, the law sets strict requirements for the driver’s condition: he can drive
During the period of work at the enterprise, its employees can be transferred from one position to another.
Composition In accordance with Article 8 of Federal Law No. 426-FZ, a special assessment is carried out by the employer jointly
The sad experience of workers deceived by their employers has received wide publicity. As a result, concerned citizens are already
The employer must establish compensation for employees for the traveling nature of their work. And of course I want to make them
Explanatory note It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of an explanatory note, since it allows the head of the company: better
When an inspection is carried out An order is usually drawn up by order of the manager in a planned or unscheduled manner.
Arbitration practice on VAT, as an analysis of court decisions for 2015 shows, reflects the emerging