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How to calculate an organization's retained earnings
Retained earnings (RE) is a common accounting concept that many businesses encounter. This term
What are the required details for primary documents in 2021?
Why is a primary account needed? Any fact of economic life must be registered in a primary accounting document.
Payment of dividends from retained earnings of previous years: is it possible to do this, payment procedure
Is it true that retained earnings are net profits? Retained earnings are real
Tax and accounting of the results of revaluation of fixed assets - markdown and revaluation, postings, examples
A revaluation of fixed assets has been carried out: the main points The possibility of revaluing fixed assets, as well as their depreciation, is given
Filling out the 2-TP report (waste)
Reporting 2 TP waste. Latest changes for 2021
Who submits The list of cases in which it is necessary to report is given in the order of Rosstat. According
Business inventory in accounting is...
Household goods: classification and purchasing features
What refers to household equipment and accessories What may be included in the list of tools, household
Sick leave: basic recommendations for registration, minimum period
Maximum duration of sick leave for various diseases If, after 15 days, the patient
Renaming a position in a work book and the rules for its registration in accordance with the Instructions for filling out work books
Home / Labor Law / Work record book Back Published: 06/19/2018 Reading time: 6
several types of tax audits
Article 87 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Tax audits (current version)
The concept of a tax audit The control of the Federal Tax Service on the correct and timely calculation and payment of taxes is called
Receipt of goods and services
Accounting and tax accounting computer programs
Rights to use software In relation to the purchase of a computer program, accounting entries reflect
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