New rules for certifying a copy of a work record book from 07/01/2018
Innovations in the process of preparing a copy of a work book
Rules in force at the beginning of the year Let us note that the labor certification sample is currently in use
documents for sending cargo
Documents confirming the quality of the goods according to 44-FZ, 223-FZ
In this article we will figure out what documents are needed to transport cargo or goods by road.
How to fill out 6-NDFL for 9 months of 2021: example and instructions
What Form 6-NDFL shows 6 Personal Income Tax is a relatively new, mandatory for all employers,
!Accounting_Competent accountant
Composition and content of annual financial statements
Timing and composition of submission of financial reporting forms for 2017 Set of financial reporting for
division of property during divorce with children
Organizational property tax declaration for 2021
Who reports on property tax Obligation to submit a property declaration with tax calculation
Office Equipment Depreciation Group 2021
Depreciation groups of fixed assets: how to determine in 2021 Express courses Intensives on hot topics
When purchasing a home, we receive a property deduction without filing a declaration
When receiving wages, an employee resident of the Russian Federation pays personal income tax in the amount of 13%. Income tax
Calculation of advance payment for corporate property tax for the 2nd quarter of 2021
General provisions Companies are required to report on “interim” payments 3 times a year -
Form - 4 FSS of the Russian Federation 2021. Payroll for FSS funds for 2021, until 08/01/2016
Deadline for submitting 4-FSS Everyone must report in form 4-FSS for the 4th quarter of 2021
Sample of filling out 3-personal income tax: form for standard deduction
Appearance and structure To give a specific completed example of Sheet E1 from 3-NDFL, you need
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