certificate 2 personal income tax
Why do you need a personal income tax certificate 2 from your previous place of work?
What is it in simple words? Officially employed workers can confirm their solvency with the help of a certificate
We explain in accessible language what the refinancing rate is
Refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 4.25% The refinancing rate indicator has a great influence on many economic
Contents of sections of the balance sheet
Contents and structure of the balance sheet
Balance sheet - what is it? An accounting balance sheet is a tabular version of reflecting financial
What determines the property tax rate for individuals?
All articles 69856 2020-03-12 One of the mandatory fees for Russian citizens is the tax on
How is the interest rate on corporate property tax determined?
During the existence of the property tax, various changes occurred with it. Mostly they concerned
Sample application for transition to ETC
Electronic work books. Clear instructions on what to do in 2020
What is an electronic work book? An electronic work book is a digital analogue of a paper work book,
where is the electronic sick leave certificate for public services?
Electronic sick leave for quarantine and illness: registration, calculation of the amount and payment to the employee
Introductory information Let us recall that changes in legislation that made it possible to receive sick leave certificates electronically
certificate 2 personal income tax
Sample of filling out the 2-NDFL certificate for 2021
Cancellation of 2-personal income tax from 2021 The Federal Tax Service of Russia published order No. ED-7-11 / [email protected] dated 10.15.2020 on the abolition
Who is a resident and non-resident of the Russian Federation
Resident or not: how to determine the status of a company in the Russian Federation in 2021
Russian tax legislation contains such concepts as “residency”. People who are familiar with these concepts
Living wage and minimum wage in Moscow from January 1, 2021: what is it for pensioners, children, workers in Moscow?
Moscow minimum wage 2021 Minimum wage is the minimum wage that an organization or individual entrepreneur (employers) must
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