Fixed tangible and intangible assets constantly change their residual value. Most gradually lose it,
Accounting: general production expenses During the reporting period, general production expenses are reflected in the debit of the account of the same name
Home / Taxes Back Published: 07.19.2020 Reading time: 7 min 0 376 One
Value added tax is not an absolute charge. A number of entrepreneurial actions are subject to it, others
List of regions of the Far North According to the laws of the Russian Federation, a list of districts was approved in 2021
Organizations have the right to independently qualify income, taking into account its nature, conditions of receipt, as well as direction
Legal entities are required to pay income tax to the state in the form of a monetary amount. It is presented
Individual entrepreneur wants to pay less taxes Artem makes and sells pottery, and also gives
Why is PBU 4/99 needed? PBU 4/99 (hereinafter referred to as PBU) was introduced for mandatory
Home / Taxes / What is VAT and when does it increase to 20 percent?