General provisions of the contract, types of advance payment (100%, 50%, etc.) The supply contract is
Why do inspectors need information about the average number of employees? Submit information about the average number of employees to the Federal Tax Service
Kontur.Accounting is a web service for small businesses! Quick establishment of primary accounts, automatic calculation of taxes, sending reports
As you know, Pension Fund employees often held employers accountable for completing the SZV-M form. However
In order to collect receivables in court, you need to carefully prepare. Should be collected
All about checking pension savings for 2021 The reform carried out in 2015 gives
The essence of the Unified Agricultural Tax 2021 The Unified Agricultural Tax system itself is one of 5 special tax regimes,
What refers to inventories and inventories in the accounting of Russian organizations are those assets
Due date Rosprirodnadzor accepts calculations annually until April 15. For 2019 calculations are required
Practice shows that the status of a tax resident or non-resident of the Russian Federation when filling out section 2 of the form