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How leave is granted in part-time mode Chapter 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates issues
How to compile them? Basic Principles When conducting accounting, professionals will use three types
Adjustment of previous periods in 1C: basic parameters The machine gives you the opportunity to simply adjust everything,
Accounting entries based on the results and reports of a tax audit; Decision on offsetting the amount of overpayment
The purpose of creating a homeowners' association. An HOA is formed for the effective management of real estate owned by the participants of this
Why preparation is important If the tax office comes for an on-site audit, she already knows that
Trade tax - what is a tax? The provisions of legislative acts establish that a trade tax is recognized
The founder has the right to pay his contribution to the authorized capital not only in cash, but
Algorithm for calculating the depreciation ratio of fixed assets The depreciation ratio of fixed assets (hereinafter referred to as KAOS) shows how much