What is needed for calculation In order to display the calculation correctly, you will need: A menu indicating
On September 9, 2021, the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, registered with the Ministry of Justice, was officially published
Why is a staff arrangement needed? A staff arrangement can be useful in the work of a person who is engaged in
In accordance with the norms of current labor legislation, every employee who gets a job is obliged
What is line 080 in 6-NDFL intended for? Line 080 of 6-NDFL is called “Amount of tax,
Filling out section 1 The first section should contain general indicators for production, shipment and sales.
Quite often, management invites employees to stay longer at work in order to fulfill the plan. This
Why do you need account 01 Accounting account 01 “Fixed assets” was created to record information about
07/09/2019 1,537 5 min. When concluding an employment contract, the employer and employee fix the working hours.
Reasons for filing an application to postpone vacation The vacation period of employees is outlined in a special schedule, which