Regulatory framework Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary
If the company received a fixed asset, then for the purpose of calculating depreciation it is necessary to establish
Concept There are all kinds of circumstances that require the conclusion of an STD. For example, there are options for the impossibility of concluding an unlimited term
Use these ConsultantPlus materials for free to correctly calculate and pay property taxes: Postponement
PBU 05/01 “Accounting for inventories”: main provisions One of the main Russian regulations on
New federal minimum wage from 2021: new amount According to Article 1 of the minimum wage law
Transport tax rates in Moscow For a year Name of the object of taxation Rate (rub.) for
What is a payment order? A payment order is an order drawn up in a document of a certain form from
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What is UTII? The single tax on imputed income is a special tax regime that