Amount of benefit at the labor exchange In each individual case, temporarily unemployed citizens can receive
The amount of daily allowance is set by the organization. A business trip is a business trip of an employee outside the place of permanent work.
Home / News and changes Back Published: 04/03/2019 Reading time: 8 min 1
How to fill in the payment basis and other details in the transport tax payment All payment details
Question The company must reflect the amount of accrued benefits in the calculation of insurance premiums in accordance with the Procedure
06/15/2019 0 37 4 min. Employment agreement (contract) – provided for by the Labor Code (hereinafter also
Home / Taxes / What is VAT and when does it increase to 20 percent?
List of documents that must be stored Requirement to store accounting documents for the periods established in
Home / Labor Law / Vacation Back Published: 06/20/2016 Reading time: 8 min
Subject of pledge The subject of pledge can be things (including securities), property rights, land plots,