High-pressure washing apparatus, shock-absorbing group 330.30.99.10 - Other transport vehicles and equipment,
Initially, the property of an enterprise is created at the expense of property that is transferred to it by the founders (contributions, shares, contributions).
Home / Labor Law / Dismissal and layoffs / Dismissal Back Published: 04/15/2016 Time
How is payroll calculated for a part-time working week? Part-time working hours can
Types of reporting to the Pension Fund All information that will have to be provided to the Pension Fund is grouped
When transitioning or initially choosing a simplified taxation system, the relevant business entities must immediately determine
Special assessment of working conditions (hereinafter referred to as SOUT) or in the old terminology “certification of workers
Modernization of a fixed asset 1C BGU 8.2 Modernization is a change in the value of a fixed asset from
Key points An enterprise whose product output requires continuity of the production process switches to shift workers
Conditions for classifying a tool as a fixed asset Tool, inventory can be taken into account as