Let's consider step by step how to make a balance sheet in 1C: Accounting One of the main reports
From 01/01/2020, in accordance with the new order No. 207n dated 11/29/2019, new
Happy owners of apartments, rooms, country houses, garages and outbuildings are required to pay tax on
What is a receipt for a PKO? A receipt for a cash receipt order (PKO) is a document confirming
► Did you know that... Since the fall of 2021, all apartment owners began to receive
Single tax for “simplified people” Payment of taxes by individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system is reduced to a minimum. Her distinctive
The concept of charitable activities The concept of charitable activities is contained in Federal Law No. 135-FZ and is understood as
Cancellation of tax: amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation from 2021 In 2021, objects of taxation
Penalties are fees for late payment. Such sanctions, like fines, are possible not only
Who should pay the simplified tax system for 2021? You need to pay a single tax according to the simplified tax system.