What does it mean? If a current account is blocked, then the activities of the entire enterprise are actually suspended. The owner is not
How to make an update on 4FSS regarding additional accrued contributions based on the results of an on-site inspection of Dolina LLC
New report to Rosstat For 2021, organizations submit a new report in Form 1-T
In general, regarding the organization, the Finance Ministry specialists drew attention to what should be taken into account
Home / Real estate / Land / Taxes Back Published: 03/31/2017 Reading time:
Types of securities In accounting for the purposes of revaluation, securities are divided into: financial investments,
Are there any benefits provided? Not everyone knows that a pensioner in our country can engage in private
What is a patent for a foreigner, who needs it? This document is necessary for a foreign citizen who wants to officially
Deadlines for the provision of SZV-TD in 2021 There are 2 types of cases entailing the provision
Concept Overhead costs are additional to the main expenses of an enterprise for management, organization