Staffing schedule for 2021 - we draw up according to all the rules

What is staffing and why is it needed?

The staffing table in form T-3 is a local regulatory act that establishes the organizational structure of the enterprise.
As well as a list of professions existing in the company, indicating the number of people required for the activity. In fact, the document consists entirely of a table where the data is grouped by department.

The salary is reflected in it for a calendar month, broken down by its component parts. Based on these indicators, the company’s expenses for attracting hired labor are determined, various plans are drawn up, and the most important decisions are made in the field of company management.

The staffing table is used to guide the entry of data into employee employment contracts - this agreement must contain the name of the employee’s profession, corresponding to the strictly approved staffing table, as well as a certain salary amount.

Based on this document, a personnel specialist can also determine the availability of vacancies. To do this, they need to compare information from the staffing table with the actual number of hired workers. If there is a need at the enterprise, the personnel inspector submits an application to the employment service.

Attention! The legislation does not enshrine this local act as part of the mandatory standards that every company must have. However, if the enterprise decides to carry out procedures established by the state (for example, dismissal due to staff reduction), then the staffing table must exist.

In addition, other local acts of the company may provide for its mandatory presence in the company. These primarily include a collective agreement. And also the need for the existence of a staffing table at the enterprise can be established by a reference to it in the employment contract with the employee.

At the same time, every manager should remember that his company can be held accountable not for the lack of a staffing table, but for its incorrect execution.

Frequency of approval of staff structure

The staffing table should be approved at the very beginning of the business activity of any employer hiring employees (organizations, individual entrepreneurs, and private practitioners). It is from this document that information should be taken about the conditions included in the employment contract under which a new employee will be hired (Article 15, Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The staffing table is approved by order reflecting the start date of applying the staffing structure. The same order may indicate the validity period of the approved structure if it is known in advance.

Meanwhile, it is not necessary to change the staffing table upon expiration or every year. You can make changes and additions to it, as well as extend the period of use.

However, if there are a large number of changes, working with this document will be inconvenient. The best way out of this situation would be to approve a new schedule. And, of course, a new document on staff structure will need to be approved if there are global changes in the organizational structure of the employer itself, for example, if:

  • reorganization;
  • significant staff reduction;
  • changes in the number of structural units, implying a redistribution of functions between departments and employees;
  • updating the approach to material incentives for employees;
  • massive changes in the names of positions, specialties, and professions used by the employer.

The last of these reasons, in connection with the transition from 2020 to maintaining work books in electronic form (and, accordingly, to standardizing the information reflected in them), may be significant for those employers who do not adhere to the name provided for by the current classifiers in designating the employee’s labor function :

  • professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories (OK 016-94) - it was approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 367;
  • classes (OKZ) OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08), approved by Order of Rosstandart dated December 12, 2014 No. 2020-st;
  • positions of managers, specialists and other employees (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 7);
  • unified tariff and qualification standards used to determine the jobs and professions of workers by industry;
  • professional standards, reference to which in relation to the performed labor function is given by Art. 57 and art. 195.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

LLC and individual entrepreneur – who should make up the staff?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in terms of regulating mandatory conditions, establishes the need for compliance of the profession specified in the contract and the corresponding salary with the data of the staffing table of the business entity.

From this we can conclude that a company or entrepreneur must have a staffing table if they have employment contracts.

Thus, if an individual entrepreneur works independently without hiring employees, he should not draw up a staffing table. Engaging performers under civil contracts will also not require the execution of this local act.

LLCs and other forms of organization of a legal entity that have at least an agreement with the director of the company must already develop and use a staffing table.

The creation of a staffing table in companies is mainly entrusted to the specialists of the personnel firm, who carry out a number of activities to determine labor costs for each profession specified in this act. Based on the research obtained, the required number of employees is determined so that the enterprise can carry out its activities.

If the number of employees at the enterprise is insignificant, this responsibility can be assigned to an accountant, economist, lawyer or the manager himself.

Document requirements

The law does not require any special rules regarding the staffing schedule, except that the position or profession specified in it must correspond to the positions and professions that the employer writes in the employment agreements executed with each employee.

However, practice has developed a number of recommendations that it is advisable to follow:

  • It is recommended to adhere to the staffing form established by Rosstat (form T-3).
  • The local act must be approved by order of the manager.
  • It is allowed to draw up a staffing table on several sheets, but it is not necessary to lace and seal them with a signature and seal. You can simply fasten the sheets with a paper clip.
  • In some situations, professions reflected in the staffing table must necessarily correspond to directories of professions and positions, and in addition to the name, their codes must also be reflected in the documents (For example, the presence of professions with dangerous and harmful factors).
  • The presence of a company seal on the staffing table is not mandatory.
  • When changing the staffing table, if they are minor, you can simply issue an order for these adjustments, and leave the staffing itself as is.

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Staffing form for 2020

The employer may (as he sees fit):

  • or in 2021, use a unified form of staffing (if it is approved in the order on accounting policies);
  • or in 2021, use an independently developed form approved by the head (provided that it contains all the necessary details provided for in Part 2 of Article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

Let us remind you that the unified staffing form No. T-3 was approved by Goskomstat Resolution No. 1 dated January 05, 2004. If you use this form, then it must be filled out in full. If you use “your” form, fill it out at your own discretion.

Organizations have the right to independently determine which form of this document to use:

  • unified (form No. T-3);
  • independently developed and approved.

Sample of filling out the staffing table

To prepare the staffing table, a special form T-3 was developed. However, it is not strict in its application - a company can change it based on its own needs, or develop its own, using the required details. We draw up the staffing schedule for 2021 in accordance with all the rules according to the instructions given below.

Entering information into the staffing table begins with indicating the name of the company, and in a special field on the right - according to the directory, its OKPO code.

Next, enter the number of the current staffing table. It must be assigned based on the number of documents that were previously used this year. The date when this schedule was compiled is written next to it.

Next is the date from which the document comes into effect. It may be similar to the date of compilation, or it may be later. However, it is unacceptable for the start date of the action to be earlier than the day the document is executed.

To the right of this field there are columns in which information is recorded about the order that approved the document (its number and date), as well as the total number of staff units in it.

The document itself looks like a large table.

The column of the “Structural division” table must contain the name of the department, according to the developed organizational structure. In the case where, along with the written designation of the department, a digital designation is also entered, it must be indicated in the next column.

As a rule, the code is formed from numbers or the first letters of the department name. However, if the company has several branches or separate divisions, then the department code can also include the city designation, region code, etc.

In the “Position” column, you must write down the names of the positions that are present in the company. It is very important to arrange the structure of the document in such a way that after indicating the name of the department in the previous column, the positions included in it are listed in a column.

It is recommended to use the OKPDTR directory when specifying job titles. But for commercial companies this rule is not mandatory. At the same time, budgetary institutions are required to include positions in the staffing table only from this directory, and additionally indicate the rank or class of the employee.

Important! A commercial company is obliged to indicate the rank and class of those positions that are classified as harmful or dangerous. This fact is important when establishing preferential length of service and the time of early retirement.

In the column “Number of staff units” the number of employees who must be hired for this position is entered. If it also provides for the admission of part-time workers, then their number is written in a fractional expression corresponding to the size of the paid rate - for example, 0.5.

The “Salary Amount” column records the salary that the employee will receive while working in this position. It must be remembered that exactly the same salary is written down in the employment agreement with the employee.

You should also consider:

  • If the enterprise or a given position has adopted a piece-rate form of payment, then this column records the amount of earnings obtained by multiplying the tariff rate by the volume of products created per month.
  • If hourly wages have been entered for this position, then in this column you can record the amount of wages per hour. After this, in the same line, but in the “Note” column, you must indicate “Hourly wages”, and also make a reference to the administrative document that established this feature.

What follows are several columns, united by one subheading “Additions”. Here you need to record information about various incentive payments, if any and established by the Regulations on Salaries, Regulations on Bonuses or other internal acts. The size of the premium can be written not only as a fixed amount, but also as a percentage, coefficient, etc.

The total salary fund for this position is recorded in the “Total” column. It is calculated as multiplying the salary by the number of staff positions.

Various explanatory notes must be entered in the “Note” column. For example, if at the time of registration of a new staffing table there is a vacancy for any position, then this fact must be reflected in this column.

The document is completed by counting and indicating the total number of staff units and the total wage fund.

After this, the fully completed document must be signed by the chief accountant and the personnel officer responsible for its execution.

How to fill out: step-by-step instructions

In general, the T-3 form consists of 10 sections, filled out in accordance with the organizational structure of the enterprise. Step-by-step instructions will help you figure out how to correctly draw up a staffing table using a unified or other form.

Step 1. We indicate the name of the organization in accordance with the statutory documents, OKPO code, serial number of the document in the document registration journal, date and number. Let's move on to filling out the sections.

Step 2. In section 1 (“Name of structural unit”) we indicate divisions, representative offices, branches. First, we indicate the management team, then by department of all the others: financial department, accounting, personnel, economic department, followed by production (workshops, sites, etc.).

Step 3. Fill out section 2 (“Structural unit code”) using industry classifiers. We assign a specific code to each department to facilitate document management.

Step 4. Section 3 (“Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of the employee’s qualifications”) is filled out based on the classifier of workers’ professions, employee positions and tariff categories.

Step 5. The next section - “Number of staffing units” - contains information about the number of staff members in accordance with the needs, feasibility and characteristics of a particular enterprise.

Step 6. Section 5 (“Tariff rate (salary), etc.”) indicates the established salary or tariff of the employee in rubles in accordance with the terms of the employment contract.

Step 7. The “Allowances and Additional Payments” section contains data on incentive payments and compensation.

Step 8. Section 9 (“Total”) - the sum of columns 5–8. Information about the wage fund for all employees.

Step 9. Section 10 (“Note”) indicates any changes or clarifications.

Here is an example of the staffing table for 2021 for the Allur Sports and Youth Sports School.

The procedure for approving the staffing table

Step 1. Develop the document

First of all, it is necessary to identify all the organization’s staffing needs and draw up a staffing form proposed for consideration.

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Step 2. Issue an order from the manager

The staffing table is put into effect by issuing an order, which is approved by the head of the company. There is no mandatory form for it - such an order can be drawn up on company letterhead in any form. The main thing is that the order approving the staffing table includes the date from which the new document comes into force.

Moreover, such a date may either be the same as the date of adoption of the order, or it may occur noticeably later. However, the staffing table cannot be put into effect retroactively. It will not be possible to indicate in the order a date that has already passed at the time of its adoption.

If the company accepts that every year the numbering of all significant documents begins again, then the numbering of the staffing table can be done according to the same principle. Moreover, this will be most appropriate if changes in the staffing table every year are massive - this will eliminate large document numbers in the future.

Attention! If a new staffing table is put into effect by order, then it is advisable to include in it a clause on the cancellation of the old one, which guided the personnel service until that time.

Step 3. Familiarize company employees with the accepted document

All employees hired by the company must be familiar with the local regulations in force that affect labor activities. This document does not directly affect labor activity and, according to Rostrud, it is not necessary to familiarize employees with it.

Attention! If in an employment contract or collective agreement the salary of employees is established on the basis of the staffing table approved by the company, then it is imperative that all employees are familiarized with it. To do this, you can use a familiarization sheet.

Why is it needed?

This document clearly shows how many workers, engineering staff and management must ensure the vital functions of residential real estate, as well as non-residential premises located here.

When there is a summary of personnel, the members of the HOA know exactly what amounts are needed to pay for services, and also see the structure of the service staff.

With such a document, it is easier to control the expenditure of funds allocated by residents and the order of work.

Having the paper, it is easier to analyze the professional composition, and, if necessary, redistribute responsibilities and free up a staff member or, conversely, add one by adjusting the document and agreeing on changes.

Sample HOA staffing schedule.

You can learn about the rights and responsibilities of a janitor, a cleaner, an accountant, as well as a plumber and electrician in a homeowners association on our website. Job descriptions and employment contracts for all HOA employees are available.

The procedure for making changes to the staffing table

This document must remain current at all times. Since the staff is periodically requested by government agencies during inspections, it is necessary to make timely changes to it.

The procedure for making changes to the staffing table will directly depend on how many changes need to be reflected in the document:

  • If there are a large number of them, then it is easier to completely cancel the old staffing table and introduce a new document that takes into account all the necessary changes.
  • If the number of changes that need to be made to the staffing table is small, then it is best for the responsible employee to draw up an order to make changes to the staffing table.

Typically, you can identify the following situations in which you need to make changes to a document:

  • Creation of new departments or divisions;
  • Organization of new positions;
  • Changing the titles of existing positions;
  • Changes in salaries or rates of employees;
  • Closing a department, division, staff unit.

If a change in staffing entails a change in the employee’s working conditions (change in salary, position, etc.), then it is imperative to obtain his written consent in advance. And after the new document is put into effect, an additional agreement to the contract is drawn up with the employee, which takes into account all the changes made.

The new order must be introduced to all those employees who will then be involved in the preparation of the necessary documents. You can also add to the familiarization list those employees who will be directly affected by the changes being made.

If the order introduces new positions, then you need to indicate their name, as well as how many staff units are being organized. This document is adopted immediately if it does not affect the interests of any of the already hired employees.

Attention! If the number of units is being reduced, then in the document drawn up you need to write down the name, the number of staff units being withdrawn and the date the order came into effect. It must be remembered that the reduction process is a long process in which it is necessary to notify both the employees themselves and the competent authorities in a timely manner.

The notice period may be 2-3 months, depending on the number of people being laid off. Also, the law determines the types of employees who cannot be laid off.

How changes are made

The staffing schedule must include reliable data throughout the entire period of validity. Due to the fact that it is included in the package of documents that regulatory authorities are often asked to provide during inspections, it is necessary to apply to it all changes occurring at the enterprise in a timely manner.

The process of changing the staffing table is directly dependent on the number of adjustments that need to be taken into account. If there are a significant number of them, then it would be better to cancel the old form and issue a new one, which will already take into account all the adjustments.

If the number of corrections is not very large, then the responsible employee issues an order to make changes to the staffing table.

Most often in such cases there is a need to make changes to the document:

  • New divisions or departments are created;
  • New positions are being introduced;
  • The names of positions that have already been added to the staff are changed;
  • Employees' salaries or tariff rates change;
  • It was decided to eliminate a position, department, etc.

In a situation where the adjustments being made will affect the current working conditions of the employee (for example, his position is changing), then before making such a change, written consent to this action must be obtained. And once the necessary information has been entered into the document, you need to sign an additional agreement with this employee that will take these changes into account.

The accepted form must also be familiarized with the performers who will be involved in the preparation of all necessary documents. Also, all existing employees who will be affected by the changes will also need to be added to the familiarization sheet.

When new positions need to be added to the staffing table, the order will need to indicate in a list their name and how many units are being added. Typically, such forms are accepted immediately, without additional approvals. However, it may be required when the introduced positions will in any way affect the employee’s existing positions.

If the administration decides to reduce staff, the order lists the names of positions, the number of units to be withdrawn and the date from which the order will be considered valid.

Important! When carrying out a reduction, one must not forget that this is a very long process with a mandatory procedure. It will be mandatory to notify both the laid-off workers themselves and government agencies.

The period in which everyone must be notified ranges from 2 to 3 months, based on the number of employees being dismissed. The regulations also specify those employees who cannot be laid off in any situation.

Frequency of document preparation and storage periods

Typically, the staffing table is drawn up for a period of one year, and is valid throughout this period. However, if the organization is small, and staff movements in it occur very rarely, this document can be adopted for several years in advance.

After changes are made to the staffing table, the previous document ceases to be valid and loses legal force. However, it must be stored at the enterprise for some period, therefore, as usual, checks affect several previous periods. And this is usually up to 2-3 years.

Attention! There is a rule according to which an invalid staffing table must be kept in the archive for at least another 3 years from the date of expiration. The same rule applies to documents used to make changes in the staffing table.

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