Who is he, the CEO? General Director is the head of the production and economic sphere of an organization or enterprise. It is important to note
in 1C: Accounting 3.0 Many users of “1C: Accounting 3.0” need to print using forms MX-1, MX-3
Scope of application Every day, company management is faced with management costs that are in no way related to
Vehicles for which tax benefits can be issued Question about providing benefits for payment
Documents for tax refund VAT refund is received by the payer of the fee. Can an individual entrepreneur return VAT?
How to calculate VAT from an amount How to calculate VAT from an amount? It's not difficult: you just need
Separate reporting forms for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, mandatory for submission to the tax office, extra-budgetary
Document year: 2019 Document group: Help Document type: Help Download formats: DOC, PDF
In what cases does the tax office block an account? There are four reasons for blocking a company account: By
What has changed From January 1, 2021, the list of non-taxable personal income tax income includes: Type