Credit and income taxes
Structure. In the Russian Federation, the tax system is three-level:
In previous articles, we examined in detail the issue of business taxation, examining in detail LLC taxes, taxes
Time sheet (form T-13): sample
Unified forms Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation reflects the responsibilities imposed on the head of an institution for the organization
New rules for refunding overpaid tax
New rules for offset and refund of overpayments will come into force on October 1, 2021
Nuances of drawing up a work contract: is an entry made in the work book for a fixed-term employment contract?
In the practice of working with hired personnel, situations sometimes arise when the labor of employees is not necessary.
How many times can you get a tax deduction in 2021?
In this section we will provide examples of calculating property tax deductions in different situations. PLEASE NOTE
Employee personal card form T-2 - sample for 2021
How the form is structured. Main features Employee personal cards are the necessary basis for creating
How to determine the value of work in progress
Work in progress - account in accounting According to clause 63 of the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated
What to do if the land tax has not arrived
Payment of land tax in 2021: deadlines, fines, benefits, payment procedure
Home / Real estate / Land / Taxes Back Published: 04/01/2017 Reading time:
how to return payroll tax
What deductions can an employee receive from an employer?
About the refund An officially employed person makes tax deductions every month. This happens without him
We submit a notification about the transition to the simplified tax system in 2017
We submit a notification about the transition to the simplified tax system in 2021 - 2021
Why declare a transition to the simplified tax system; the simplified tax system, as well as imputation and patent, are
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