C:\Users\Vova\Desktop\BUKHGURU\December 2017\WEB Transport tax changes from 2018\dorogie-avto-nalog.png
Transport tax 2021. News and prospects
Tax on expensive cars has become lower In fact, new vehicle tax rates in 2021
how to calculate average monthly salary example
How to calculate average daily earnings for vacation pay
In what cases is an employee entitled to an average monthly salary List of situations when payments to an employee are calculated based on
When to pay taxes and submit reports: all new deadlines in the table from the Federal Tax Service
What payments are individual entrepreneurs required to make? Individual entrepreneurs, along with legal entities, make payments
examples of movable property
Movable property and the right to it: What confirms ownership + what can be confirmed
What is movable property in simple words Based on the information in Article 130 of the Civil Code, movable
Internal part-time and external combination of professions and positions
The definition of part-time work is given in Art. 282 Labor Code: this is the employee performing other regular paid work
Sample of filling out the book of income and expenses for 2017
How to keep a book of income and expenses under the simplified tax system (sample)?
Maintaining a book of income and expenses under the simplified tax system: rules and responsibility In accordance with Art.
Federal Tax Service: login to the taxpayer’s personal account
Federal Tax Service: login to the taxpayer’s personal account
Home / Taxes Back Published: 11/23/2020 Reading time: 15 min 0 114 Responsible
Form OS-15
Form OS-1. Sample of filling out the act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets
Fixed assets - what are they? Fixed assets of enterprises and organizations include any
On-site tax audit: how does the surprise factor work?
What is an on-site tax audit? The Tax Code does not contain a clear definition of the term “on-site tax audit”.
Features of determining the billing period for calculating average wages
Every year, changes occur in reporting: new forms appear, changes are made to existing reports,
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