Current legislation obliges all organizations and individual entrepreneurs that have employees to pay for them
Anyone may find themselves in a situation where they need urgent financial assistance. Sometimes difficult
Registration of the purchase of components for a new fixed asset (OS) First of all, in 1C 8.3 everything
Types of inspections and their periods The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, using its territorial divisions, conducts desk inspections
Determining the composition of the DAM The form of calculation and the procedure for working with it is introduced by the Order of the Federal Tax Service dated
Real estate means not only building structures, but also land plots, subsoil, and other objects,
How to prepare documents for debiting from account 21? Good afternoon! For now, activists or full-time experts
Definition First, let's define the key features of the payment in question. State duty is an amount of money that
Who will be affected by the new clarifications Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 19, 2021 No. SD-4-3/7484
The environment is now at a stage of major change. This applies to everything - the principle of supervision and