The concept of receivables and its types The very concept of receivables includes
I General provisions When making cash payments to buyers (clients), two types of cash registers are used:
KBK for VAT is a budget classification code that must be indicated when filling out a payment form.
We continue the series of articles that are devoted to the legal and tax issues of concluding a contract. IN
All-Russian classifier of units of measurement Every day in any organization a huge number of documents are compiled. Sometimes for
How is the organization’s property reflected in accounting? To briefly answer the question, what is
General concept of daily expenses Daily expenses are funds that are provided to an employee in
Home — Articles In the context of the development of market relations, contractual relations between
SZV-M what kind of report is this? What is this SZV-M report? In fact, this is a special reporting form
In Russia, one of the main problems for many small business owners is the lack of