What does the balance sheet show?
Accounting methods The main concepts used by accountants are “debit” and “credit”. These terms
If the account is seized by bailiffs, what is the order of payments?
Complete blocking of an account is not an absolute ban on access to money. If trouble does happen,
Calculation of insurance premiums for 2020 and changes from 2021
Reporting and settlement period in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation In 2021, the Tax Code continues
What is more profitable - “imputed” or “simplified” for individual entrepreneurs? What is the difference? Types of taxation systems
What is a “simplified tax system”? The simplified tax system is initially aimed at individual entrepreneurs and small enterprises. If
Rules for filling out section 2 line 130 of declaration 6 personal income tax
What information does lines 130 and 140 of the 6-NDFL declaration contain? In lines 130 and 140
Advance payment for services and goods
Advance payments for income tax - what is it?
Who pays The responsibility for paying and calculating advance tranches for income tax falls on
Unified forms used to document inventory results
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Calculation of quarterly advance payments of income tax
Calculation of advance payments based on profit - general rules
Pay taxes in a few clicks! Pay taxes, fees and submit reports without leaving your
Payment of fixed contributions to the Pension Fund by an individual entrepreneur
Calculation of insurance premiums to extra-budgetary funds Calculate insurance premiums on the last day of each month
Accounting policies for management accounting purposes
General provisions of accounting policies in trade Regardless of the specialization of the trading company (for example, wholesale
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