Description of individual types of deductions
What types of taxes are there: functions of taxes, methods of collection
Three-level tax “territory” All existing duties are divided into three categories (Article 12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation):
Accounting account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”
The company's most active financial flow passes through accounts that are associated with the movement of funds
Water tax in 2020-2021 - terms and payment procedure, rates
Basis and legal basis Water tax is a federal direct tax, the legal basis of which is
How to fill out a payment order for a traffic police fine
What is KBK (budget classification code) The concept of KBK was first mentioned in the summer of 1998
C:\Users\Vova\Desktop\BUKHGURU\March 2019\WEB USN income example of tax calculation in 2019\USN-dohody-raschety-2018-2019.png
Detailed instructions for maintaining accounting records for individual entrepreneurs in a simplified manner
What the law says Issues of taxation of simplified people are regulated by Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Tax payers
Accounting for additional capital
Formation and accounting of additional capital of an enterprise
Reflection of additional capital in accounting In accordance with clause 66 of the Regulations on maintaining
general taxation system
What is OSNO (general taxation system)
The basis of entrepreneurship is the regular increase in the effectiveness of economic activities. Operational efficiency can be increased by
18210202140060000160 Kbk decryption 2021 for individual entrepreneurs
Amounts of payments Total mandatory fixed payment for insurance premiums of individual entrepreneurs for 2021 –
Accounting entries for travel expenses
What is a business trip A business trip is a trip by an employee by order of the employer for a certain period of time
How the simplified tax system will change in 2021: read the latest amendments to the Tax Code
Is VAT paid under a simplified taxation system? The answer to this question is given by Art. 346.11
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