Funds turnover indicators Turnover ratios are indicators of the business activity of an enterprise and allow one to evaluate management efficiency
Accounting for the consumption (issue) of materials into production. Accounting entries The release of materials into production means
What is an “irrevocable power of attorney” An irrevocable power of attorney is a document that is issued by the principal to the authorized person
Organization of accounting of any company requires strict accounting of fixed assets: means of labor, with the help
It is important to know that insurance premiums are charged on excess daily allowances. In our article we talk about
Home — Documents Losses Provision for doubtful debts Expenses for transport, food and housing
Despite extensive experience and high qualifications, there are a number of questions that raise even
Why calculate profitability? The financial profitability of a project is often a key indicator in job analysis
What is a collection order? A collection order is a document that is submitted directly to the bank
New norm of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation From January 1, 2021, paragraph 7 of Art. 226 Tax