KBK for payment of penalties under the simplified tax system for 2021 - 2021
Simplified income minus expenses and BCC Using a simplified taxation system in your business activities
Negative result of the sale of fixed assets
What is it? According to the new federal standard, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 257n dated December 31, 2016,
How to find out a disease by code on a sick leave certificate?
What are disability codes on sick leave? This is the reason for the absence of a subordinate at the enterprise
Personal income tax rates on deposits
Legal Aid Center We provide free legal assistance to the population
Every citizen of the Russian Federation is a taxpayer. The state replenishes the budget by deducting interest from wages
Tax period for income tax: what do you need to know about the timing?
The concept of income tax Corporate income tax is direct payments deducted depending on
Sick leave calculation
Sick leave payments: how to calculate if an employee has worked for less than 6 months or more?
In order to pay for an employee’s sick leave as required by law, the accountant must
KBK UTII for individual entrepreneurs, penalties and fines for 2021 and 2021
What budget classification codes (BCC) for UTII are defined for 2018? Have the BCCs changed?
Grounds for writing off accounts receivable in 2021
On the procedure for writing off bad debts from reserves, as well as debts not covered by reserves,
Characteristics of harmful and dangerous working conditions according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
What payments and benefits are due for hazardous working conditions?
09/07/2019 0 838 4 min. The Labor Code establishes rules for organizing workplaces for employers
certificate 2 personal income tax
Online tax certificate 2-NDFL: how to get it
Why do you need a 2-NDFL certificate? The information contained in it is necessary for the Pension Fund and some
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