What payments and benefits are due for hazardous working conditions?




4 min.

The Labor Code establishes rules for employers to organize workplaces taking into account ensuring maximum safety of personnel. But there are also professions for which harmful working conditions are an integral part of the work process. What measures does the Labor Code provide for employees in this category, and whether they are entitled to additional benefits, we will find out in the article.

How to determine how harmful production is

In order to determine how harmful or dangerous production is and how these factors affect workers, workplaces are certified. This process affects all jobs that exist in the enterprise.

What if the organization has recently started its activities? In this case, certification is carried out 2 months after the start of work.

For each workplace, it is determined to what extent it complies with safety and labor protection requirements, and to what extent workers are provided with protective equipment. An assessment of working conditions in the complex is also carried out.

Free meals for employees working in hazardous industries

Harmful production factors greatly affect human health. As a result of long-term work, problems may arise with internal organs, vision, hearing, skin, or even affect genetics (radiation, for example). In order to maintain a healthy, vigorous, active state of the employee, the company organizes therapeutic and (or) preventive nutrition for him.

Free milk or other dairy products, or equivalent food products, serve as a therapeutic and preventive measure:

  1. Healthy nutrition is not provided to everyone, but strictly for those jobs whose working conditions can be called harmful and (or) dangerous. Milk is given in the amount of half a liter.
  2. If an employee works part-time (not full time per shift) in harmful or dangerous conditions, then meals are provided for working half a shift.
  3. In case of periodic employment (not every shift), milk is provided exclusively on those days on which work was carried out in a hazardous environment.
  4. The issuance of dairy or other equivalent medicinal food products for future use is unacceptable, and also cannot be issued if the employee was absent or on sick leave.

Foods rich in pectin can serve as equivalent nutrition: jelly, marmalade, juices, jams, canned fruit. As well as fermented milk products: kefir, bifidok, natural yoghurts.

You can refuse food and receive monetary compensation, which will be based on the cost of this product; for this you need to write an application.

VUT factors

Divided into several groups. We will look at each in more detail.


Associated with various chemicals. mixtures, enzymes, hormones and biological substances that are obtained as a result of chemical synthesis.


  • Humidity;
  • Radiation;
  • Vibration;
  • Dust;
  • Lighting (insufficient or excessive), uneven, with pulsation.


  • Presence of microorganisms, bacteria;
  • Related to biological mixtures and substances


  • Intensity of activity;
  • High duration of the work process;
  • Level of severity of work.

How to ensure safety at work

Establish management responsibilities. Managers at different levels are responsible for ensuring occupational safety. Their rights and responsibilities in this area are documented. The direct subordination of the occupational safety service to the top management of the enterprise is ensured.

Separate existing tasks. Tasks to ensure the necessary working conditions in harmful or dangerous production are distributed among department officials. The key role is played by the OT service.

Ensure the competence of responsible persons. To ensure the required level of competence in the field of rules and safety standards that production must comply with, training is carried out for organizers and performers. All employees of the enterprise undergo training and certification.

Create a multi-level accounting system. Safety issues are taken into account in all management decisions. Compliance with standards is ensured at every stage of production.

Involve staff in streamlining the work process. All personnel can take an active part in resolving issues of improving working conditions in hazardous industries. Representatives of structural units interact with the occupational safety service, and management coordinates all their actions.

How are they classified?

It is clear that difficult working conditions can cause negative consequences of various types: loss of ability to work, exacerbation of existing diseases, acquisition of work-related diseases, and so on.

The degrees of harmful working conditions are divided as follows:

  • Class 1: these are conditions that provoke various functional changes. At the same time, health is restored when a person stops contacting harmful factors;
  • Grade 2: changes in the body become sustainable and lead to the appearance of prof. diseases;
  • Class 3: these conditions can cause loss of ability to work (albeit temporary) during activities;
  • 4th grade: such conditions provoke the development of prof. severe diseases, stimulate the development of existing diseases and can cause complete loss of ability to work.

The Russian Federation has developed and operates a list of hazardous work. It is he who is turned to when it is necessary to determine the harmfulness of working conditions in a particular industry.

Pension for employees working in difficult conditions

Long-term work in one company, associated with difficult working conditions, can entail many positive aspects. For example, a preferential pension or an early pension, which is due to an employee if a certain period of work has been completed. This is the key point in providing this pension.

To receive a preferential pension, men need to work hard:

  1. Work in a harmful environment for more than 10 years.
  2. Have a work experience of at least 20 years.
  3. Be over 50 years of age.

For women, the conditions for early retirement are different:

  1. Have worked for more than 7.5 years.
  2. Have a work experience of at least 15 years.
  3. Be over 45 years of age.

After all of the above conditions are met, you need to submit documents such as a passport, a document that confirms the possibility of early retirement, and other documents.

List of professions with hazardous working conditions

This register is valid for the current year. Initially, it was developed and consolidated in the USSR.

It includes the following range of professions:

  • Persons who work in enterprises related to the mining industry;
  • Working in the field of metallurgy;
  • Mining ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
  • Persons employed in enterprises producing thermoanthracite, coke and coke chemicals;
  • Those who produce generator gas;
  • Workers creating dinas products;
  • Employees of companies with chemical activities;
  • Working with ammunition, gunpowder, explosives;
  • Employees of oil refineries;
  • Employees of gas processing enterprises;
  • Persons processing coal, gas condensate and oil shale;
  • Employed in metalworking enterprises;
  • Persons employed in electrical production and repairing electrical devices;
  • Persons engaged in the manufacture of electronics and radio equipment;
  • Persons who create glass and porcelain objects;
  • Citizens working with synthetic fibers;
  • Employees of enterprises producing paper and pulp;
  • Working in healthcare institutions;
  • Transport service employees;
  • Persons who deal with substances containing radioactivity;
  • Carrying out activities in the field of nuclear industry and energy;
  • Divers;
  • Gas cutters;
  • Welders who work inside the tank or compartments of the vessel;
  • Persons who interact with dangerous germs;
  • Specialists in etching metal in hazardous solutions;
  • Specialists who clean metal with quartz sand;
  • Specialists of mercury substations;
  • Citizens who are employees of power plants;
  • Employees of enterprises related to the food industry;
  • Those involved in the restoration, repair and construction of objects;
  • Employees of enterprises in the field of communication services;
  • Workers of agricultural organizations interacting with agrochemicals;
  • Chemical industry training specialists;
  • Mining Training Specialists;
  • Coal Industry Training Specialists;
  • Lime slakers;
  • Locksmiths;
  • Vulcanizers;
  • Stokers;
  • Solderers;
  • Machinists;
  • Varnishers.

The persons listed on this list are citizens entitled to benefits.

The most harmful professions of 2019

On the territory of Russia, it turns out, there are many professions associated with difficult working conditions.

This list shows professions in 2021, the working conditions of which can be classified as harmful and dangerous factors:

  • people working in metallurgical production, as well as workers involved in the extraction of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
  • miners, especially coal miners;
  • people working in chemical plants;
  • persons involved in the processing of oil, gas, coal, shale;
  • inventors of electronics, radio equipment, as well as those who repair electrical devices;
  • producers of coke substances and their varieties;
  • employees working in the nuclear industry;
  • persons who are exposed to ionizing radiation above established standards and who are in contact with radioactive substances;
  • people working with mercury;
  • metal workers;
  • persons involved in metal recycling using highly active solutions;
  • workers making silica refractory products;
  • manufacturers of building materials;
  • producer gas producers;
  • manufacturers of pulp and paper products;
  • creators of glass and porcelain products;
  • people involved in printing production;
  • citizens who create medicines, as well as those who work with dangerous microorganisms;
  • manufacturers of artificial and synthetic fiber products;
  • persons working with explosives, gunpowder, ammunition;
  • workers serving agricultural organizations;
  • vulcanizers;
  • locksmiths;
  • divers;
  • machinists;
  • welders and gas cutters working in a small confined space.

We are all accustomed to considering the work of welding machinists as normal. There are family dynasties engaged in precisely this work. But due to working with harmful substances in a confined space, sometimes without special protective clothing, these professions are also at risk.

Who cannot work in positions with VUT

There are a number of restrictions on the performance of official duties of this kind. Moreover, these restrictions are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with it, restrictions apply to the following persons:

  • For employees who are under 18 years of age;
  • For persons with health problems;
  • For females. In particular, they cannot work with mercury, in boiler rooms, in jobs where they need to manually move heavy objects, or in servicing equipment in heavy engineering enterprises.

Difficult working conditions. What industries are considered harmful?

Let's consider which professions are considered harmful? These include types of work associated with physical work - heavy lifting, carrying, and so on. If a person works in a production facility where there are harmful fumes, these are also harmful working conditions.

If you do not take action, do not compensate for difficult working conditions, and do not create suitable conditions for workers to stay at the enterprise, there is a high probability of a person’s sudden death.

After all, the harmful effects of production and excessive physical activity lead to such consequences.

I would like to say that minors should not be allowed to engage in hazardous work. Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also prohibits women from working in such conditions.

Despite the fact that the ban exists, women still go to work on their own in working conditions that are unsuitable for them, proving again that they are no less resilient than men.

But you shouldn’t take such rash steps, since the male body is much more resilient - this is a scientific fact and you shouldn’t argue with it.

When a person goes to purposefully get a job in a hazardous industry, where working conditions are unfavorable, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of employment.

An employment contract for a category with difficult working conditions must be drawn up according to a special plan. It must include all necessary benefits and compensation. An employee must know his rights before going to work in hazardous work. Now let's look at compensation.

High pay

A person working in hazardous production must receive payment for work at increased tariff rates. Work has varying degrees of harm and health hazards. The company pays the employee additional compensation, benefits, and so on.

To make additional payments correctly, it is necessary to conduct a clear assessment of working conditions. Workers undergo certification once every 5 years; after inspections, a commission is created that determines what material compensation workers need and in what amount.

The definition of working conditions includes not just the name of the profession and a description of the work that the employee performs. The commission is obliged to personally familiarize itself with the place of work and make sure that there are factors affecting health in a negative way.

These factors are the key ones, and from them the material compensation base is created.

A similar inspection is carried out every five years. After which changes are made or not made. Each employee at the enterprise has its own payments.

If the commission determines that the enterprise has created all the conditions that protect workers from harmful influences, then naturally all additional payments are withdrawn and are no longer issued until the next inspection. It was previously proven that office workers also work in hazardous work.

Moral tension is present throughout the day. Some offices are stuffy. Working at a computer takes a toll on your health after a while. The head begins to hurt, irritability appears. These are difficult operating conditions for humans.

But today they have proven that people holding office positions work in favorable conditions, they feel warm, comfortable, cozy. They kept silent about moral tension.

But let's get back to really harmful production.

For each person participating in harmful conditions, the following measures to restore health are applied:

– Additional leave to the usual one. Unfavorable working conditions are necessarily compensated by additional paid leave from work.

– Working hours have been reduced. According to the law, a person can work only 36 hours a week in hazardous work, no more.

– It is imperative to take breaks during the day.

– Each employee is given valuable food products every week (that is, good for health) - milk and other products that restore health.

Let us immediately note that food compensation can be replaced with financial compensation if the employee writes an application.

Currently, it is finance that has begun to replace food compensation. This suits everyone.

– Passing medical examinations every year. If management sees that a person is often sick, then he must be sent for rehabilitation from work to a sanatorium. Travel at the expense of the company.

When applying for a job, a person should know that they cannot accept him until he has passed the medical test. commission. Difficult working conditions do not have the best effect on a person. Management must know that the person is completely healthy before performing work.

Source: https://sraboty.ru/index.php/trudoustrojstvo/adaptatsiya-personala/9084-tyazhelye-usloviya-raboty-kakie-proizvodstva-schitayutsya-vrednymi

Harmful working conditions in an employment contract

If the profession involves the possibility of causing damage to a person’s health or life, the following clauses must be included in the employment contract:

  • Information on the payment of benefits, compensation and leave to the employee;
  • Information about all existing risks (with their classification);
  • Information about the measures that the employer takes to preserve the life and health of its employees.

In addition to this information, the contract specifies all the guarantees that are provided to the employee.

The working hours, which are reduced, must be specified. It should not be more than 36 hours per week. Maximum daily work can last 8 hours or even 6.

Harmful labor factors

The assignment of working conditions to classes 3 and 4 depends on the presence of harmful factors in the labor process and the working environment.

Environmental factors are divided:

  • to physical (temperature, humidity, electromagnetic and thermal radiation, etc.);
  • chemical (chemical substances, mixtures, including some substances of biological nature, obtained by chemical synthesis and (or) for control of which chemical analysis methods are used);
  • biological (microorganisms-producers, living cells and spores contained in bacterial preparations, pathogenic microorganisms - causative agents of infectious diseases).

Labor process factors:

  • severity of labor (high load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body);
  • labor intensity (high load on the central nervous system).

The degree of harmfulness of factors acting on an employee during the work process is assessed by comparing their actual level, determined using measurements during workplace certification, with hygienic standards for working conditions. The hygienic standard establishes the maximum permissible level of exposure to a harmful factor. The effect of a harmful factor, limited to a maximum permissible value, during daily work for 8 hours and no more than 40 hours a week, does not cause illness or deviations in health during the period of work or in the long-term life of the employee and his descendants. If the actual value of exposure to a harmful factor exceeds the hygienic standard (maximum permissible level), working conditions are considered harmful or dangerous.

Read about the procedure for certifying workplaces based on working conditions on p. 108. - Note. ed.

If working conditions are recognized as harmful or dangerous, the employer must comply with certain rules when hiring employees, organizing the work process, providing the employee with protective equipment, special clothing, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, setting wages and compensation payments, granting leave, dismissal (see table on page 94).

Read about the procedure for providing workers with special clothing and special food, assigning increased wages and compensation payments, their accounting and tax accounting in the following issues of the magazine. — Note. ed.

Employee rights

Persons who work in enterprises with harmful and difficult working conditions have a number of rights and benefits.

Therapeutic and preventive nutrition, obtaining vitamins.

Food and vitamins are provided to employees absolutely free. Issued on the day that the person actually worked, or when the employee lost his ability to work, but was not hospitalized.

Meals can be provided as breakfast or lunch.


Milk is issued free of charge if the employee writes a request for this, or the issue can be replaced with compensation if this does not contradict the collective agreement.

Passing a medical examination.

An employee engaged in dangerous and harmful work not only has the right, but also the obligation to undergo a medical examination. The procedure for passing is regulated by regulatory documents.

In addition, some categories of workers are examined by a psychiatrist. It is carried out once every 5 years. It is usually carried out if a person works with harmful substances or with sources that pose an increased danger.

Availability of PPE.

The employer provides special clothing, shoes, disinfectants and cleaning agents. All this is at his expense, and is free for employees. In addition, he is obliged to ensure that clothes are washed, dried, and replaced.

Granting a pension before the appropriate age.

Men who are 50 years old and women who are 45 years old have the right to retire early. In this case, it is taken into account the conditions under which they carried out their work activities. If a person worked in a hot shop or other jobs with harmful or difficult working conditions, he can take advantage of this right.

What professions can qualify for a preferential pension will be discussed below.

No.Field of activityRequirements
1Agricultural productionMen working as machinists can retire at 50
2HealthcareRegardless of gender and age, if you have 25 years of work experience in a village or 30 years in an urban environment
3Educational fieldFor teachers, 25 years of experience is enough to accrue a preferential pension.
4Textile industryThe retirement age is reduced if a woman has worked for 20 years
5FSIN systemFor men - age 55 years and experience 15 years, for women - 50 years and experience 10 years
6Civil aviation and fishing industryFor men - 25 years of experience, for women - 20 years, and age 55 and 50 years
7Fire service, Ministry of Emergency SituationsSimilar to the previous paragraph
8Public transport workersFor female and male drivers - age 55 and 50 years, experience - 20 and 15 years
9Underground productionFor men - age 50, if he has worked in this field for 10 years, and has a total experience of 20 years. For women - 7 years in this field, total experience - 15 years. She can retire at 45
10Persons working as locomotive and diesel locomotive driversMen – 25 years of experience, age 55, women – 20 years of experience, age 50
11Workers in the field of geological explorationMen – age 55, experience 12.5 years, women – age 50, experience – 10 years

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation may require a certificate confirming the harmfulness of the profession. It must be taken at the place of work.

Work experience giving the right to additional leave

The length of service that gives the right to additional leave includes only the time actually worked in harmful or dangerous working conditions (Part 3 of Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Since the procedure for calculating length of service for annual basic paid leave and the procedure for calculating length of service for additional leave for work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions are different, the working years for which these leaves are granted, as a rule, do not coincide. The length of service giving the right to leave is calculated separately for the annual main paid leave and additional (clause 9 of the Instructions).

Perhaps, during the working year, the employee worked in different workshops, performed different duties, for which they are provided with additional leave of varying durations. In this case, the time worked in hazardous conditions should be calculated for each job separately (clause 11 of the Instructions). The time worked in hazardous working conditions includes only those days on which the employee was actually employed in these conditions for at least half of the working day. If the List contains the indication “permanently employed” or “permanently working”, then the days worked in hazardous working conditions are counted as days in which the employee was actually employed full-time in these conditions (clause 12 of the Instructions).

To calculate the length of service (the number of full months) giving the right to additional leave, it is necessary to divide the total number of days of work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions by the average monthly number of working days. In this case, the balance of days that is less than half the average monthly number of working days is discarded, and the balance of days that is half or more of the average monthly number of working days is rounded up to a full month (clause 10 of the Instructions). The average monthly number of working days is determined by dividing the number of working days in the corresponding year according to the working calendar established by the internal labor regulations by 12 months.

Example 1. Gas welder A.I. Ogonkov went to work in a workshop for the production of semiconductor materials (germanium and silicon) in the area for repair, adjustment, installation and maintenance of equipment. When working in this profession throughout the entire working year, the additional leave is 12 working days (IV - metallurgical production, B - non-ferrous metallurgy, No. 579 of the List). He started work on July 10, 2006.

From September 18, 2006 to November 30, 2006 A.I. Ogonkov worked as a gas welder in a loparite concentrate processing shop. For such work throughout the entire working year, the additional leave is 18 working days (IV - metallurgical production, B - non-ferrous metallurgy, No. 498 of the List). Then, on December 1, 2006, he returned to his previous workplace.

Since June 4, 2007, the employee has been provided with:

  • regular annual paid leave (28 calendar days);
  • additional leave on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 117 Labor Code.

What should be the duration of additional leave in working days if it is known that the employee has a 5-day working week?

Solution. Let us determine the number of working days worked at each workplace.

For the period from July 10 to September 17, 2006 - 50 working days, from December 1, 2006 to June 3, 2007 - 121 working days. In total, the employee worked for 171 working days under conditions for which he was entitled to additional leave of 12 working days. During the period from September 18 to November 30, 2006, the employee worked 53 working days.

The average monthly number of working days in both 2006 (248 working days: 12 months) and in 2007 (249 working days: 12 months) is 21.

Let's determine the number of full months worked at each workplace:

  • 8 months (171 work days: 21 work days) - at the site for repair, adjustment, installation and maintenance of equipment;
  • 3 months (53 working days: 21 working days) - in the loparite concentrate processing workshop.

Let us determine the number of days of additional leave provided for each “harmful” workplace:

  • 8 days (12 days: 12 months x 8 months) - for work on the site for repair, adjustment, installation and maintenance of equipment;
  • 5 days (18 days: 12 months x 3 months) - for work in the loparite concentrate processing workshop.

The total duration of additional leave is 13 working days (8 days + 5 days).

If an employee has the right to receive additional leave due to harmful working conditions for several reasons, then leave is granted only for one of them (clause 18 of the Instructions).

Example 2. A porter works in a radon clinic at an altitude of 2100 m above sea level. How to calculate the duration of additional leave?

Solution. Calculation of additional leave.

Leave for hazardous working conditions

To receive this leave, a person’s workplace must be classified as hazard class 2, 3 or 4. Then this right is prescribed immediately upon concluding an employment contract.

If workplace certification was carried out before 2014, such employees may also qualify for additional compensation. vacation.

Any employee has the right to know whether the working conditions in which he works are harmful. To do this, after the certification, management familiarizes all employees with its results against signature.

When determining the duration of such leave, it must be taken into account that it cannot be less than seven calendar days. But you can set a larger number of days on an individual basis.

So that the main and additional leave can be arranged, a vacation schedule is initially developed, which is logical. The manager decides whether it will contain specific dates, or whether only the month in which the employee will go on vacation is indicated.

If an employee performing hazardous work is a part-time worker in a particular organization, he also has the right to additional compensation. vacation. But its duration will be calculated based on how much he actually worked in production with harmful or dangerous working conditions.

Cannot replace additional vacation with financial compensation. Payment of compensation is allowed only if the person did not use his vacation. Then upon dismissal he will receive money.

About harmful and dangerous working conditions

Harmful and dangerous working conditions are two completely different concepts. The first implies a constant negative impact of specific factors on the human body. The second term describes the circumstances in which an employee may be injured while performing a regular task due to his own negligence or under the influence of surrounding reasons.


Harmfulness at work according to the Labor Code is determined by Art. 147, which prescribes a special procedure for organizing and paying for staff shifts. However, this is not the only legal act aimed at resolving this issue. In addition to it there are also:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 426 “On specialized assessment of working conditions” (this provision divides hazardous professions into categories and provides an individual explanation for each of them);
  • Resolution of the State Labor Committee No. 298, which came into force in 1974 (this act sets out the rules for granting extended leave to personnel working in dangerous and harmful conditions);
  • Cabinet of Ministers Decision No. 10, adopted in 1991 (this act provides for the accrual of preferential pension service for hazardous work);
  • GOST requirement No. 12.0.003-2015, introduced by Rosstandart specialists;
  • Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 188 and 655 (the first document prescribes the right to benefits for employees working in harmful and dangerous conditions, and the second gives them the opportunity to receive an insurance pension earlier than the period established by law).

Attention! Based on the listed regulatory documents, the employer and subordinates related to hazardous production can represent their interests in court and receive protection from the state.

Degrees of harm

The general classification of hazardous working conditions includes a list consisting of the following four groups:

  • The first (optimal) characterizes a standard working environment in which personnel are not threatened by injury, intoxication and other negative effects on the body caused by external factors;
  • The second (acceptable) describes working conditions where subordinates may have contact with harmful substances, the concentration of which does not exceed the norm;
  • Third (dangerous) - the specifics of the enterprise imply constant exposure to negative factors on personnel, which increases the risk of poisoning the body. This also includes professions related to electricity and heights;
  • The fourth (extreme) are working conditions under which there is not only a risk of harm to health, but also a threat to life.

Each of the presented classes is divided into 4 more subgroups, characterized by the following features:

  • 1 – the chance of harm is minimal. In case of intoxication, the subordinate is given a sufficient amount of time for rehabilitation;
  • 2 – the human body is exposed to constant exposure to harmful substances, the concentration of which does not exceed the norm (under such conditions there is a chance of developing an occupational disease);
  • 3 – systematic harm to health, which causes loss of working capacity or development of disability;
  • 4 – the chance of serious injury is very high. The emergence of occupational pathology is also possible.

What benefits the labor code applies to hazardous industries of different categories, and who can count on them according to the law, we will find out later in the article.

Characteristics of harmful and dangerous conditions

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an enterprise can be considered harmful only if its personnel are exposed to the following unfavorable conditions:

  • Working with tools and equipment that cause strong vibration (jackhammer, hammer drill, etc.);
  • The presence of dust and other similar manifestations in large quantities;
  • Increased noise level;
  • Insufficient lighting of the workplace;
  • Being in the same room with poisonous, chemical or toxic substances, the concentration of which exceeds the norm;
  • High humidity;
  • The presence of viral bacteria and spore microorganisms (salmonella, fungus, etc.).

The listed factors can be used to characterize harmful working conditions. But the concept of danger at work includes slightly different criteria:

  • High altitude;
  • High voltage;
  • Emergency structures;
  • Ice, flood, fire and other natural disasters.

It is important to know! It is this list of factors that determines the degree of harmfulness of each enterprise, assigning it one of the four available hazard classes.

List of occupations classified as hazardous

The list of hazardous working conditions established by the state can be applied not only to individual professions, but also to entire industries. Namely:

ProfessionIndustryResulting harm
Engineer, geologist, surveyor, geophysicist, hydrologist, miner, fastener.MiningThere is a possibility of being hit by a rubble. Additional factors: poor lighting and increased concentration of dust.
Crane operator, steelmaker, blast furnace operator, smelter, caster, heaterMetallurgyThere is a high chance of intoxication of the body. Also considered unfavorable conditions are high temperatures and harmful fumes.
Chemist, technologist, biochemist, laboratory assistant.Chemical productionConstant exposure to toxic substances. The chance of severe burns or intoxication increases.
Designer, tester, gunsmith.Ammunition makingThere is a possibility of injury when interacting with firearms or explosives. Additional criteria: increased noise level.
Geologist, drilling machine operator, engineer.Oil productionSystematic exposure to toxic fumes on the body. There is also a chance of getting burns when working with flammable liquids.
Flaw detector, electrician, installer, engineer.Electrical engineeringThere is a risk of serious injury when exposed to high voltage. There is a risk of death.
Carpenter, fitter, painter, installer, asphalt paver, slinger, foreman, crane operator, engineer.ConstructionThe most dangerous class, which includes a number of unfavorable conditions: loud noise, presence of dust and chemicals, height, work with emergency structures.
Virologist, pharmacologist.HealthcareThere is a chance of contracting some viral disease.
Layout designer, printing specialist, folder, cutter, technologist.PrintingSystematic exposure to loud noise on the body. Additionally, there is contact with toxic substances.
Engineer, installer, designer, radiochemist, turner, milling machine operator, researcher, electrician.Atomic industryConstant contact with radioactive substances of increased danger.
Driver, flight attendant, mechanic.TransportThere is a chance of serious injury, even death, in an accident. Sometimes working in this area involves poor lighting and increased noise levels.
Firefighter, Emergencies Ministry employee, diver.RescuersHigh probability of causing irreparable harm to health. From time to time, negative factors such as elevated temperature, insufficient lighting, and evaporation of toxic substances may be observed.
Gas and electric welderWelding workIncreased eye strain and contact with high voltage.

As you can see, not all positions related to hazardous industries are hazardous according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, before applying for financial compensation, you should familiarize yourself with the table above.

Classification of working conditions

Depending on the factors that a person faces, all working conditions are divided into four categories:

  • optimal, when the microclimate is positive, labor productivity does not interfere with anything (manager, accountant);
  • acceptable, in which the influence of harmful labor factors does not exceed the norm;
  • harmful, when production issues can worsen human health;
  • dangerous, associated with an increased risk of threat to life and injury.

Order No. 695 on psychiatric examination: list of professions

Particular attention is paid to harmful and dangerous working conditions. Those categories of exposures that affect reproductive function, reduce immunity and negatively affect a person’s psychological state are considered harmful.

For your information! Hazardous factors can directly provoke a sharp deterioration in health, resulting in the death of an employee. Most often this happens due to a violation of safety regulations at work.

The last two categories of working conditions can have varying degrees of influence:

  • mild degree. When the influence of harmful factors ceases, the level of health is restored;
  • the worker often goes on sick leave, chronic diseases are discovered;
  • the health impairment is irreversible;
  • persistent deterioration in the functioning of internal organs leads to disability and loss of the ability to work.

The degree of threat to the health and life of an employee depends on whether he uses protective equipment, takes regulated breaks, and takes measures to improve his health after a shift and prevent occupational diseases.

Worker in hazardous industry

There are certain harmful working conditions that lead to deterioration of health. Harmful working conditions, the list of professions for 2021, related to list Nos. 1 and 2, were compiled taking into account the effect of hazardous production factors on the worker.

Preferential pension provision according to lists No. 1 and 2

The procedure for calculating pensions is determined by Federal Law 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”. An employee will be accrued a preferential pension if the employer has made contributions to the state for all the years. There is no additional increase in the level of contributions. The size of the pension can be higher only taking into account the fact that wages in hazardous industries are higher compared to other areas.

Starting from 2015, the employer must pay an insurance payment of at least 9% of the employee’s income to the fund, otherwise the length of service will not be counted as work in hazardous working conditions. Due to changes in the retirement age, under the new legislation, persons who were previously supposed to retire in July 2021, and according to the new rules in January 2021, will be sent to retire six months earlier, that is, according to the old deadlines.

Thus, these lists play a significant role in the lives of many workers. They are important for arranging early retirement and related payments. They are no less interesting for the employer to know how to properly organize production activities.

By what criteria are professions included?

Bibliography on occupational health and safety

It is impossible to quantify harmful factors in the workplace. The criteria for including professions in the list are as follows:

  • working in dust;
  • constant contact with paint and other chemical sprays in industry;
  • influence of radiation;
  • working in noise;
  • contact with microbiological material (in medicine);
  • high level of humidity;
  • constant vibration in the workplace;
  • temperature changes.

For your information! Depending on the concentration of harmful factors in the surrounding space, a list of professions classified as harmful and dangerous has been determined.

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