What is an investment tax deduction? The uniqueness of the investment tax deduction (hereinafter referred to as INV, deduction) consists
Let's consider step by step how to make a balance sheet in 1C: Accounting One of the main reports
From 01/01/2020, in accordance with the new order No. 207n dated 11/29/2019, new
Every entrepreneur, director, and chief accountant is familiar with the feeling of slight anxiety when receiving demands from tax authorities.
If you need to view detailed movement on a specific account in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0, then
Minimum wage and minimum wage In order to protect the interests of every employed person, the legislation establishes a minimum wage
Drawing up an act of provision of services is the final stage of registration of any work and serves as evidence
Recipients of government subsidies The authors of the changes regarding VAT on subsidies have prepared a number of innovations for recipients
How to fill out the 6-NDFL report: learning the rules How to fill out the 6-NDFL form? To answer this
Home / Complaints, courts, consumer rights Back Published: 11/06/2018 Reading time: 3 min