Calculation form for accrued and paid insurance premiums on the DAM in 1C: ZUP 3.1
“1C: Salary and Personnel Management” (hereinafter we will use the short name 1C 8.3 ZUP) allows you to prepare
How to fill out and submit the calculation of advance payments for property tax
Changes for 2021 IMPORTANT! In 2021, taxpayers will no longer have to submit advance reports.
Environmental tax
Ecological class of the vehicle for transport tax
Is the environmental class of a car important for transport tax? The magnitude of the parameters involved in the calculation of transport
Fill out the SPV-2 form to assign a pension
Attention! With the entry into force of the Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2017 No. 2p (with
C:\Users\VOVA\Desktop\BUKHGURU\July 2018\WEB Fee rates for NVOS for 2018 and 2019\okruzhayushchaya-sreda.jpg
Declaration of payment for negative environmental impact
What and how to be guided by The decree of the Cabinet of Ministers determines the tax assessment fee rates in 2021
Disability codes on sick leave - decoding
Sick leave codes and their interpretation 43 – if the employee was exposed to radioactive radiation;
Detailed information on insurance premiums in 2021
Where to pay insurance premiums in 2017 The most important thing is that next year the order
Accounting statements of individual entrepreneurs in 2021 to the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of Russia
Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs without employees: new calculation for 2021 This year, legislators have
Accounting and tax accounting: periodicals, business and specialized literature
How to take into account books and magazines: Many companies subscribe to various newspapers and magazines and buy books
Rice. 3. Selecting the type of payment in the document “Write-off from the current account”
Loan agreement in “1C: Salaries and personnel management 8” (rev. 3)
Conditions affecting the accounting treatment of a loan A loan is a transfer of funds (or other
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