In accordance with the requirements of current Russian legislation, all employers, including individual entrepreneurs, must promptly
Regulatory legal acts upon dismissal upon change of owner Consideration of the procedure for dismissal of an employee upon change of owner
07/01/2019 0 323 4 min. Paying taxes is an obligation that applies to every employed person.
Mitigating circumstances List of circumstances that a tax authority or court may take into account as mitigating circumstances
From the name of the tax levy it is clear that it is paid by companies that own vehicles. This is local
Classification of sick leave codes and their decoding In the structure of the sick leave (certificate of incapacity for work, approved
You always want to expand and multiply a successful profitable business by opening an additional structural division for this.
Such violations are defined in Chapter 16 “Types of tax offenses and responsibility for their commission”
What we are talking about In tax law, there is a limitation period for bringing to liability
Cash collection is often referred to as the procedure of transportation, the physical movement of cash from one place