Job description and responsibilities of an accountant

Certification, or checking the level of professional knowledge and skills, qualifications, can serve as the basis for assigning a new qualification category to an employee and increasing his pay. Many people know about raising qualification categories for workers in certain professions: teachers, doctors, government officials. Managers of commercial firms also have the right to conduct certification of employees and assign higher qualifications based on its results.

How is the certification schedule ?

Certification and qualifications

Periodic certification, regardless of the profession or the specifics of the organization’s activities, is of two types:

  1. Compliance with the position held. Such certification is intended to confirm that the professional level of the employee corresponds to the work he performs. This is a mandatory procedure.
  2. For assignment of a qualification category. This type of certification is voluntary and is carried out on the employee’s initiative.

As a rule, a qualification category is considered valid for 5 years, but an employee can undergo re-certification “for the category” earlier - 2, 3 years after receiving the previous category.

The assigned qualification category is assigned to the employee for the entire period of its validity, even if he works in another institution, organization, or in another locality.

The employee’s qualification level must be reflected in the employment contract (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 57). When assigning a new qualification category, this information is recorded in the contract by an additional agreement.

Advanced training for accountants

Advanced training of an accountant is necessary not only to move to a higher position, but also to update theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of accounting and tax accounting. This event allows specialists to: – get acquainted with new regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation; – study the modern experience of foreign countries in the field of accounting; – apply in practice the latest methods and methods of accounting; – deepen knowledge in economic disciplines and analysis of enterprise activities.

In order to improve their knowledge, accountants can study innovations in their activities independently or attend various trainings and seminars. However, more effective are advanced training courses that allow you to cover a large amount of information and document this process with an official document. Advanced training courses are necessary for an accountant to increase their professional level and increase wages.

Advanced training for accountants is possible through special educational centers that operate according to programs developed and approved by the Institute of Professional Accountants. Upon completion of advanced training courses, students receive a certificate of completion of training and advanced training.

How to enter qualification categories in a commercial company

IMPORTANT! Recommendations for certifying an employee for suitability for the position held by ConsultantPlus are available at the link

Commercial firms are not required to conduct certification, but many managers initiate the adoption of local acts, in accordance with which they can certify workers and assign them qualification categories.

Qualification requirements must be developed for each category. They should differ in their level of education and qualifications, take into account work experience and length of service in the profession. When carrying out this work, it is advisable to use reference information. The qualification directory dated 08/21/98 No. 37 details the qualification requirements for a significant number of positions.

Example: in reference book No. 37, for the position of “engineer” there are four qualification positions:

  1. An engineer as such can have any length of work experience and higher professional education.
  2. An engineer of the 3rd category only needs to graduate from a specialized university and work as an engineer for 3 years.
  3. An engineer of category 2 must have a higher professional education and work experience as an engineer of category 3 for at least 3 years.
  4. An engineer of the 1st category requires a higher education in the profession and work experience in an engineering position of the 2nd category - 3 years or more.

It is assumed that the word “senior” in the job title indicates the presence of subordinates or he alone controls the work of the site. Moreover, if qualification categories have already been established for a position, the word “senior” is not used. This concept is equivalent to category 1.

If a specialist is called a “leader,” he controls the work of subordinate groups and provides general management of a certain area of ​​the company’s work. The leading specialist must have 2-3 years more experience than the same specialist of the 1st category (according to the text of reference book No. 37, clause 7 of the “General Provisions”).

A commercial company has the right not to rely on the provisions of qualification reference books when establishing qualification categories. Their names are reflected in the local regulatory act (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 8), for example, “Regulations on Certification”.

All personnel events, including the certification itself and the receipt of qualification categories, are formalized by order. Based on the results of the certification, changes are made to the staffing schedule and personnel documents of each employee.

Formally, the head of a commercial company is not obliged to conduct certification in order to assign a qualification category to an employee, but it is advisable to do this in compliance with all legal norms. Otherwise, the “distribution” of qualification categories may become the cause of a labor dispute, not excluding workers filing a lawsuit.

On a note! The use of qualification reference books is mandatory only for employees of state and municipal institutions, as well as representatives of professions that provide benefits, compensation, restrictions (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 57, Part 2 “Conditions”, Paragraph 3).

Requirements for a chief accountant when hiring in 2020

The list of requirements for the applicant is established by the director of the company, depending on the type of activity of the company and its size. They are determined on the basis of Art. 195.3 of the Labor Code, according to which one must be guided by the professional standard and the Handbook.

Article 195.3. The procedure for applying professional standards

Any organization must use the specified documents for all employees as a sample and, on their basis, approve specific requirements for the work of a specialist:

  • practical experience;
  • job responsibilities;
  • the need for additional training;
  • functions.

According to the professional standard

The professional standard is valid from 02/07/15. It contains the minimum requirements for a chief accountant. The specialist must have higher or secondary education in this profile or know additional programs for advanced training and professional retraining.

For the last 5 out of seven years, he must work in the field of accounting, reporting or as an auditor. For citizens who have graduated from a university, this period is reduced to three years out of the last five.

These rules are mandatory for accountants of all enterprises.

Is it necessary to follow them?

Many organizations now use the professional standard “Accountant” as recommendations. An exception is cases related to the provision of additional compensation and benefits to the employee, or there are restrictions for work in this position. A candidate who meets the requirements of the Standard or reference book has the right to apply for it.

The name of the position must be entered into the employment agreement as it is written in the Standard (Article 57 of the Labor Code).

If the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws define the professional requirements necessary for a worker to perform his functions, then the employer must necessarily apply the Standard in terms of these requirements (Article 195.3 of the Labor Code). That is, the mandatory requirements include the requirements of the Standard provided for by federal legislation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations.

100 percent sick leave is paid in special cases, for example, in case of a work injury. You can see a sample of a job description according to GOST here.

In Art. 4 of Law No. 122-FZ of 05/02/15, which amended the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, states that the Government can establish specifics for the use of Standards for employees of the following government organizations:

  • off-budget funds;
  • municipal;
  • unitary;
  • corporations;
  • companies;
  • business companies, the majority of the authorized capital of which belongs to the state.

Thus, a commercial company can hire a person to the position of chief accountant without complying with the requirements of the Standard.

Qualification conditions

When hiring a citizen as a chief accountant, the main role is played by qualification requirements:

  • organizing and maintaining records of all business transactions of the organization;
  • assessing credentials and providing necessary advice;
  • generation of reports in accordance with the law;
  • knowledge and practical application of labor, tax, civil law;
  • use of modern software products in work.

Additionally, the specialist must skillfully use application programs and online services for preparing and submitting documents to the tax office and funds.

Each large enterprise places special requirements on the chief accountant, depending on the specifics of his activities.

Specific skills that an applicant must have include:

  • working with large amounts of data;
  • accuracy in maintaining documents;
  • ability to understand financial, accounting, tax, personnel documents and their competent comparison;
  • timely completion of assigned tasks.

Personal qualities of the chief accountant should include diligence, accuracy, tact, efficiency, honesty and decency. He must be able to properly organize the work of the accounting service and clearly control the work of the specialists entrusted to him.

The vacancy requires a person to have a mathematical mind, hard work, and the ability to analyze.

Communication skills, literacy and knowledge of one’s business are needed for the interaction of the chief accountant with representatives of counterparties, government and tax authorities.

For budgetary institutions

A qualified accounting organization is required not only by private organizations, but also by government agencies.

In addition to the basic ones, additional requirements are put forward to the chief accountant of a budgetary institution:

  • knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and legislation defining the activities of the public sector;
  • understanding the specifics of budget accounting and reporting;
  • the ability to correctly calculate earnings, taking into account additional payments and allowances for representatives of ministries and departments;
  • knowledge of the procedure for forming the budget of a government agency, the procedure for the formation and expenditure of financial resources.

The activities of budgetary institutions are inextricably linked with the holding of tenders. The chief accountant must clearly understand this issue.

Professional standard for chief accountant in 2020

Qualification categories of individual professions

For representatives of certain professions, obtaining a qualification category without certification is impossible. These are government officials, teachers, doctors, prosecutors and a number of others.

Voluntary-compulsory retraining. Is there any point in upgrading your qualifications ?

As an example, let’s look at the procedure for certification for obtaining the qualification category of teaching staff. It is regulated by Federal Law No. 273 of 12/29/12 “On Education”, Art. 49, and by order of the Ministry of Education No. 276 dated 04/07/14. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Certification is carried out at the request of the employee, based on his application.
  2. The first or highest category is assigned.
  3. It is possible to submit an application for the 1st category regardless of the length of service in the institution; for the highest category – after 2 years of work.
  4. The application is considered for no more than a month, and certification deadlines are assigned. A written notification of the place and time of the procedure is sent to the citizen.
  5. Based on the results, the commission decides in absentia to assign a category or refuse to assign.

For certification, the employee provides a package of documents for consideration by the commission: application; copies of documents on education, on the assignment of categories earlier, if the procedure is repeated; documents to change your surname - if necessary; characteristics from the place of work, portfolio.

What should be included in the Certification Regulations ?

The commission's decision must be made no later than two months after certification. An employee can personally participate in the certification, but in his absence, the documents are reviewed in absentia. If the assignment of a category is refused, a repeated application can be sent to the commission after a year.

Similar procedures are carried out in institutions of other profiles. Thus, obtaining qualification categories by physicians is regulated by Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011 “On the fundamentals of health protection...”, Art. 72-1, by order of the Ministry of Health 240n dated 04/23/13 and a number of other by-laws. Doctors can be assigned the second, first or highest qualification category. It is valid for 5 years.

The procedure for conducting qualification tests should, as a general rule, be reflected in the institution’s LNA and take into account its specifics.

On a note! There are constant changes in the legislation on assigning qualification categories to workers in certain professions. Thus, the project contains innovations for teaching staff that can be adopted this year. Sports school coaches had the opportunity to be certified for one of the qualification categories (Federal Law No. 147 of 4/06/18).

Job responsibilities of the chief accountant

In addition to the requirements for a chief accountant, an applicant for a vacancy should also be aware of his functional responsibilities. Basically they consist of the following points:

  1. general management of accounting department employees with division of responsibilities between employees;
  2. development of regulatory and methodological documentation for company accounting and taxation;
  3. development of rules and methods for all areas of accounting, including payroll calculation, assessment of property and liabilities, creation of a cost calculator, determination of depreciation groups and deductions for them, calculation of taxes and fees, transfer of payments to counterparties, etc.;
  4. providing assistance to accounting staff, including an accountant-cashier, for example, when registering a cash register with the tax office, a leading accountant when assessing property and liabilities, a payer when calculating personnel benefits, etc.;
  5. development of accounting and economic measures aimed at reducing the financial and tax burden and reducing unproductive expenses of the enterprise;
  6. generation of accounting and tax reporting required for submission to government agencies;
  7. jointly with a lawyer, transferring an organization from one taxation regime to another or to another form of ownership, for example, to an LLC or PJSC;
  8. interviews with candidates for work in the accounting department before their direct admission to the institution;
  9. creating presentations on the financial activities of the company;
  10. control over compliance with the correctness of accounting, which is established in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulatory documentation of a budgetary or commercial organization.

The requirements for the chief accountant, as well as the responsibilities that apply to a highly qualified specialist, are contained in the qualification directory, and therefore its provisions cannot be ignored, but can be supplemented.

For example, management can increase the overall length of service in a specific organization or for a specific position, expand the list of responsibilities, but must indicate all these points in the job description. This document must certainly be shown to the employee before he is hired, so that in the future there will be no disagreements, conflict situations or misunderstandings.

A well-developed instruction will allow the chief accountant to perform his professional duties efficiently and in a timely manner and effectively manage a fairly large department.

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Entry into the work book and personal card

IMPORTANT! A sample entry in the work book for advanced training from ConsultantPlus is available at the link

The personnel service is required to reflect the assignment of qualification categories in all personnel documents. In addition to the staffing table and employment contract, personnel orders, it is mandatory to reflect information about qualifications in the employee’s work book.

In accordance with the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor dated 10/10/03 No. 69, clause 3.1:

  • a record of the assignment of a new rank, class, category must be made in the work book;
  • the basis for making an entry is the order of the manager.

Entries must be made no later than seven days and comply with the text of the order on assignment of a qualification category (Rule No. 225 of 04/16/03, on maintaining work books, p. 2-10). A record of certification for the purpose of establishing a qualification category is also entered into the employee’s Personal Card, in p. 4 “Certification” (form T-2).

Rights and powers

The financier not only performs duties, but also has a number of powers and rights. For example, an accountant has the right to demand that company employees provide timely primary documents. In addition, the accountant can carry out counter-reconciliations with counterparties, inspectorates and funds to identify debts and adjust the correctness of calculations. Take part in control, audit and other verification activities.

Rights, powers and procedures for interaction with other structural divisions of the company should be specified in as much detail and clearly as possible. If we leave only general formulations, then disputes and disagreements are inevitable.

Example of wording

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Olga (guest) [email protected]
Today I have a higher education in economics with a specialty in accounting, analysis and audit. Work experience in the position is 1 year. Question: do I have the right to apply for assignment to the 2nd category of accountant? And on the basis of what regulatory document? and another Question: where does such information come from in the press and on the Internet?: “A person with a higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an accountant of category II is appointed for at least 3 years; for the position of category II accountant - a person who has a higher professional (economic) education, without presenting requirements for work experience, or a secondary vocational (economic) education and work experience as an accountant for at least 3 years; for the position of accountant - a person who has a secondary vocational (economic) education, without presenting requirements for work experience, or special training according to an established program and work experience in accounting and control of at least 3 years.” Thank you
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Scorpion [email hidden] Belarus, Grodno

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#2[85971] June 2, 2009, 8:26 am
Accountant of the 1st qualification category: higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an accountant of the 2nd qualification category for at least 3 years. Accountant of the II qualification category: higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an accountant for at least 3 years. Accountant: higher professional (economic) education without requirements for work experience or secondary specialized (economic) education and work experience in positions filled by specialists with secondary specialized education in the field of accounting and control, at least 3 years.” PS The right appears after three years, but you can work half your life and not receive a category; the employer makes the decision. I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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Ave atque vale!
zhurbejj [email hidden]

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#3[328370] November 22, 2011, 8:25
And if you were initially hired without 3 years of experience for the position of category 1 accountant, does another employer have the right to demote it? I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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VyacheslavV [email hidden] Belarus, Vitebsk

Wrote 9692 messages Write a private message Reputation: 1077

#4[328374] November 22, 2011, 8:57 am
If you were hired with a category, then you cannot lower it during the work process. I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message because:

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Scorpion_grass [email hidden] Minsk is my life’s residence!

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#5[328376] November 22, 2011, 9:02

zhurbejj wrote:

And if you were initially hired without 3 years of experience for the position of category 1 accountant, does another employer have the right to demote it?

If an accountant is hired by another employer who does not have a category 1 accountant on staff, then he can simply hire him as an accountant, or as a category 2 accountant (if he had one)

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- Dad, tell me how to live without getting tired? “Live like a person, white Rio de Janeiro,” this is the crystal dream of my childhood, don’t touch it with your paws. (c) I'm not afraid to stand out from the crowd, I'm afraid to be one.
cranbrest [email hidden] Belarus, Brest

Wrote 1123 messages Write a private message Reputation:

#6[350588] March 13, 2012, 1:35 pm
I am filling out a submission for assignment to category 2 accountant. What to write in the section Characteristics of the quality of work performed. Please advise, otherwise my head can’t think straight anymore)))) I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message because:

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Scorpion_grass [email hidden] Minsk is my life’s residence!

Wrote 19864 messages Write a private message Reputation: 4018

#7[350638] March 13, 2012, 15:08
High quality, on time, copes with assigned tasks. I want to draw the moderator’s attention to this message because:

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- Dad, tell me how to live without getting tired? “Live like a person, white Rio de Janeiro,” this is the crystal dream of my childhood, don’t touch it with your paws. (c) I'm not afraid to stand out from the crowd, I'm afraid to be one.
manya-uryi [email hidden]

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#8[384716] October 16, 2012, 15:40
Hello!!! Please tell me, I was hired as an accountant in April 2010 (I was without a category), a year later I was assigned category 2. When should I be assigned category 1? after three years of total experience (including previous places of work - the experience was 8 months) or three years from the date of the previous promotion??? Or when transferring to another position (the transfer was from November 1, 2011 to the position of cash accountant)? I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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cranbrest [email hidden] Belarus, Brest

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#9[384719] October 16, 2012, 15:50
Scroll: Classification of categories

According to Article 61 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus dated July 26, 1999 No. 296-Z, the assignment of work performed to specific tariff categories (positions) and the assignment of appropriate qualifications to the employee are carried out in the manner prescribed by the collective agreement, agreement or employer in accordance with qualification reference books approved in the established ok. Taking this into account, the employer establishes the procedure for assigning qualification categories to specialists independently on the basis of the local regulatory legal act of the organization (for example, regulations on the assignment of qualification categories). Certification of specialists for the assignment of qualification categories (hereinafter referred to as certification) is carried out in order to objectively assess their professional level, moral and material stimulation of professional growth, improve the selection and placement of personnel, increase the responsibility of employees for the performance of professional duties, and develop creative and business initiative. The recommended procedure for assigning qualification categories is given in the General Provisions of the Unified Qualification Directory of Employee Positions, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated March 30, 2004 No. 32 (as amended by Decree No. 135 dated October 30, 2007) (hereinafter referred to as the General Provisions). Assignment of qualification categories to specialists is carried out in the manner determined by the collective agreement, agreement or employer, in accordance with the qualification characteristics of specialist positions provided for by the ECSD, taking into account the recommendations of the certification commission. So, for example, the following qualification requirements are provided for the positions of employees of the accounting service “Accountant”: Job title Qualification requirements Chief accountant Higher professional (economic) education and experience in financial and accounting work, incl. in management positions for at least 5 years (qualification for the position “chief accountant”). Higher economic education and experience in financial and accounting work, incl. in management positions, at least 5 years (Law of the Republic of Belarus dated October 18, 1994 No. 3321-XII “On Accounting and Reporting”) Accountant of the 1st qualification category Higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an accountant of the 2nd category not less than 3 years Accountant of the 2nd qualification category Higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an accountant for at least 3 years Accountant Higher professional (economic) education without requirements for work experience or secondary specialized (economic) education and work experience in positions replaced by specialists with specialized secondary education in the field of accounting and control, at least 3 years (qualification characteristics for the position “accountant”) Accountant-auditor of the 1st category Higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an accountant-auditor of the 2nd category at least 3 years Accountant-auditor of the 2nd category Higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an accountant-auditor or in other positions filled by specialists with higher education, at least 3 years Accountant-auditor Higher professional (economic) education and work experience as an accountant for at least 1 year (qualification characteristics for the position “accountant-auditor”) Cashier General secondary education and special training according to the established program (qualification characteristics for the position “cashier”) In addition, when assigning a qualification category, the complexity of the labor functions performed by the specialist is taken into account , the degree of independence in their implementation, his responsibility for the work performed, an initiative and creative attitude to work, the efficiency and quality of work, as well as practical experience, determined by work experience in the specialty, professional knowledge, etc. Qualification categories are assigned to those positions of specialists, for which the qualification characteristics of the ECSD provide for intra-job categorization, and in the order and on the conditions that are provided for by the relevant qualification requirements. Examples of such positions are: “economist”, “engineer”, “human resources specialist”, “auditor”, etc. Specialists who have the education and work experience in the relevant positions provided for in the qualification characteristics are allowed for certification. In this case, the employer has the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to provide, along with the requirements for qualification characteristics, additional requirements for knowledge, professional training, work experience, etc. when assigning a qualification category to specialists in the relevant field of activity. In particular, these may be requirements for mandatory advanced training, knowledge of a foreign language, knowledge of special rules and instructions in the area of ​​activity, etc. Qualification categories are assigned to employees sequentially (2nd, 1st, highest) and are not subsequently confirmed required unless otherwise provided by law. For example, since to assign the 2nd qualification category to the position of “accountant”, the qualification requirements for the position of “accountant” require at least 3 years of work experience as an accountant without a category, then the employer has the right to assign an employee the 2nd category for this position no earlier than after 3 years of work Accountant positions without category. As an exception, a specialist who does not have a qualification category and is appointed (accepted) to a position may be assigned a qualification category provided that he has work experience provided for by the qualification requirements of the qualification characteristics of the corresponding position, incl. experience in leadership positions in this area of ​​activity. This takes into account the practical experience he has, as well as the business and personal qualities of the specialist, the level of his professional knowledge, skills and abilities. In other words, such an exclusion procedure can only be applied in certain cases, in particular if the employee has a long work experience in positions in the relevant line of activity. The exclusion procedure for assigning a qualification category in cases where an employee does not have the necessary work experience is not provided for by law. So, for example, if an employee has work experience (15-20 years) in the positions of deputy chief accountant, chief accountant, then in this case, if he does not have work experience as an accountant without a category, it is possible to take into account his work experience in specified positions and assign him, as an exception, the 1st or 2nd qualification category. The general provisions also stipulate that a qualification category can be assigned to a specialist when working part-time or working part-time in the same manner as in the main position. As for the organizational side of the issue of assigning qualification categories to specialists, a necessary condition is the creation of certification commissions in organizations. Certification commissions in their activities are guided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, relevant regulatory legal acts, qualification reference books, as well as General Provisions. The composition, number of the certification commission and other conditions of its work can be determined in the organization, taking into account the procedure provided for by the Standard Regulations on the certification of managers and specialists of enterprises, institutions and organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Belarus dated October 31, 1996 No. 84. Certification commissions can be created both for assessment compliance of employees with their positions, and for carrying out the procedure for assigning qualification categories to specialists at the same time. The basis for conducting certification for assigning qualification categories to specialists is an order (instruction) of the head of the organization. Such an order may have the following form: Progress LLC ORDER ____________ No. ___ Minsk On conducting certification of specialists To conduct certification of specialists, I ORDER: 1. Create a qualification commission consisting of the following: head of the marketing department; Head of the Personnel Training Department; head of economic department; labor and wage economist. 2. Conduct a meeting of the certification commission within three months. Director I.I. Stepanov (signature) A specialist’s proposal for assignment of a qualification category is submitted to the certification commission by the head of the organization (structural unit) under whose subordination the certified specialist is located, unless otherwise provided by separate regulatory legal acts. Such a submission can be developed taking into account the form below: SUBMISSION for assignment of a qualification category 1. Last name, first name, patronymic 2. Date, month, year of birth 3. Education (name of educational institution) 4. Specialty, qualification 5. Name of organization, structural divisions 6. Position, qualification category (date of assignment) 7. Total work experience 8. Work experience in the specialty (in the industry) 9. Work experience in the previous category 10. Advanced training (retraining) (where, when, period) 11. Characteristics of the quality of the work performed 12. are submitted for assignment (last name, first name, patronymic) of a qualification category. Head of the organization (structural unit) (signature) (I.O. Surname) I have read the submission (signature) (I.O. Last Name) Certification is carried out with the participation of the certified specialist and the head of the corresponding structural unit. If a specialist fails to appear at a meeting of the certification commission, certification for assignment of a qualification category is postponed to another date. The certification commission makes a decision to assign the appropriate qualification category or another decision. Such a decision is documented in the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission. The results of the certification are announced to the person being certified immediately after the decision is made. Based on the decision of the certification commission, the employer issues an order (instruction) to assign a qualification category to the specialist, and the corresponding entry is made in the work book in the prescribed manner. The employer's order can be issued in the following form: Progress LLC ORDER ___________ No. ___ Minsk On the assignment of qualification categories Based on the recommendations of the certification commission, I ORDER: 1. To assign qualification categories to the following specialists: Suvorova I.N. — 2nd qualification category for the position “accountant”; Stepanenko V.V. — 2nd qualification category for the position “economist”; Fedorchuk P.P. — 1st qualification category for the position “engineer”; Kovalchuk S.S. — 1st qualification category for the position “HR Specialist.” 2. The HR department, within three days, will make the appropriate entries in the workers’ work books. Director I.I. Stepanov (signature) The employer is obliged to familiarize the employee (against signature and date) with the order (instruction) on the assignment of a qualification category. In addition, taking into account the issues that arise in practice, we believe it is necessary to report the following. By Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated February 28, 2008 No. 41 “On introducing changes and additions to the Instruction on the procedure for applying the Unified Tariff Schedule for Workers of the Republic of Belarus,” changes and additions were made to the Instruction in terms of the abolition of tariffication of specialists taking into account the qualification categories assigned to them and introducing increases in tariff salaries for these categories. These changes in no way imply the abolition of qualification categories previously assigned to specialists (which some employers have begun to do). At the same time, there is no need to make any changes to the work books of specialists (in terms of canceling qualification categories). Qualification categories, as they were assigned previously, can continue to be assigned to them in the prescribed manner. The presence of a qualification category for a specialist (both previously assigned and assigned in the manner prescribed by the General Provisions) is the basis for establishing a corresponding increase for him.

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julishna74 [email hidden]

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#10[436589] November 26, 2013, 11:53
Hello! I have a higher education, majoring in financial management, was hired as an accountant in 2007, received category 2 in November 2011, can I, with my specialty, apply for category 1 in 2014? I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because:

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