Tax deductions
General rules for deducting VAT on fixed assets The amount of VAT paid by the enterprise when purchasing objects
Three forms of 2-NDFL in 2021 The Federal Tax Service has once again optimized the procedure for filling out information
08/11/2019 0 4717 8 min. According to the current law, any employer when dismissing an employee is obliged
High tax rates and regular taxation cause dissatisfaction among the average Russian. As compensation, government support
Part-time work does not entail any duration restrictions for employees
Application in form No. P14001 Application form P14001 was accepted by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated
Why register with the Social Insurance Fund Notify the Social Insurance Fund about the appearance of a new one in the region under its jurisdiction
Pilot project of direct payments from the Social Insurance Fund - what is it? Pilot project for payment
Basics of carrying out SOUT SOUT is a special assessment of the criteria of work activity, which has the goal: - online checking of reports Taxnet specializes in everything “electronic”: signatures, tenders, document flow and