Sample application for remaining vacation days

How to Correctly Write an Application for Vacation Remaining

Usually vacation is divided into parts. Which ones are determined by agreement of the parties to the employment contract. The main thing is that at least one part of the vacation is at least 14 calendar days (Part 1 of Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, an employee uses 14 consecutive days during the year, and the remaining 14 days, by agreement with the employer, can be used at least 14 times for 1 calendar day or in any other combination.

The deadline for submitting an application must take into account these rules. Situations arise in which an employee decides to divide the annual leave into several parts. Then an application is written to break down the vacation time. “Application for leave” and separately “Application for resignation of one’s own free will.”

Sample application for the remainder of the vacation (read more...)

Application for the remainder of the vacation sample

  • according to Art. 173 and 174, the employer is obliged to provide days without pay to the following employees: those admitted to entrance examinations to higher and secondary educational institutions; students of preparatory departments; full-time students who combine work and study;
  • Art. 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that employees who are part-time workers are provided with mandatory days at their own expense only if the leave at the main place of work exceeds the part-time rest;
  • rest without saving a salary is also provided to workers of the Far North for travel to and from their place of rest (Article 322 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employee goes to work next Monday. In this case, are weekends considered calendar vacation days? If they are not counted, then it turns out that the employee takes more rest than those who are given 28 calendar days in a row. Does he have an advantage over other employees?

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Sample application for unused vacation

How to write a vacation application correctly - examples Sample application for financial compensation: In the application for unused vacation you must indicate:

Employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions are granted vacations of various types and varying durations. This is another paid leave, educational leave, maternity leave, leave at your own expense, etc. The provision of vacations is carried out by order of the organization, which makes the employee’s absence from the workplace legal and is the basis for the payment of funds due to him. The basis for issuing an order is a statement. The article discusses how to correctly write a vacation application, and the 2021 sample will help you write it correctly.

  • How to correctly write an application for part of a vacation
  • How to write a leave application for the remaining days
  • How to write an application for the rest of your vacation

The article provides sample applications for:

Sample applications and details of registration

There are no strict standards for document formatting. The personnel service has developed separate writing options, depending on the reason and nature of the upcoming leave, with the inclusion of the correct wording in the main text.

The employee just has to choose the correct statement and adhere to the proposed format:

  • paid holiday;
  • extraordinary without pay;
  • to study;
  • on account of vacation or for its transfer;
  • followed by dismissal.

Download a sample application for paid leave (28.5 KiB, 675 hits)

Application for leave without pay (28.0 KiB, 371 hits)

Example of an application for study leave (24.5 KiB, 251 hits)

Example of an application to transfer a vacation (25.0 KiB, 860 hits)

Sample application for part of the vacation (24.0 KiB, 542 hits)

The differences in how an application for a particular type of leave is written are small, but they must be observed, since during an external inspection at the enterprise or in the event of unforeseen circumstances, the employer will have troubles.

Another vacation

Every year, an employed citizen has the right to paid rest for 28 calendar days. If desired, the employee has the right to break it into parts, but one of them must be issued for at least 14 days. The document is important for correct personnel document flow and calculation of deductions by the accounting department, therefore, after drawing up the paper, make sure that all the necessary details are present:

  1. The header is drawn up according to a standard template: first they write the recipient (full name and position), and then similar information about the applicant.
  2. In the middle of the form, write the word “application” in small letters.
  3. The main part below sets out a request for the next leave, indicating the day of departure. If the vacation is used partially, then the application also includes the date of the last day of rest and the number of days during which the person will be absent from work.
  4. At the end they write the date of compilation and a signature with a transcript.

After the application is submitted to management for approval, you need to make sure that the director has issued an approval visa, and the personnel service has prepared an order. Even if you write the paper correctly, but do not control the process of issuing the order, there is a risk that the administration will count the person’s absence as absenteeism.

On account of the next vacation

Sometimes there is a need to use days, the right to which will become available after a certain period of time. This is possible only by the good will of the manager, and the employee does not have the right to demand it by law.

If you plan to take a vacation on account of a future vacation, the standard form is used, with the exception of the wording in the main part of the paper, where instead of the right to vacation, they write the number of days and indicate that the turn for paid vacation has not yet come. If part of the vacation is used, you must write the exact period of absence.

Download a sample application for part of the vacation (24.0 KiB, 542 hits)

Unpaid leave

The employer is not obliged to agree on paid leave if the person has not yet “earned” the right to it. When there is an urgent need to be absent from the workplace, they ask to be released without pay. Both the header and the signature with the date match the main form, which can be used as a sample, only the wording of the request looks different. For vacations at your own expense, indicate the dates of the planned absence and the reason (for example, in connection with a move, or the child’s admission to a university).

A working pensioner, at his own expense, fills out an application in the same way. Although a person who has reached retirement age has certain benefits, his registration in the state on a general basis requires compliance with the same document requirements.

Read: how to arrange a vacation at your own expense.

Transfer of vacation

The vacation schedule is agreed upon by the company in advance. Sometimes plans change, and the employee turns to management with a request to move the vacation to a later date. In this case, the employee draws up a form requesting a postponement, and to make the reasons convincing, they are indicated in the text along with the main wording “I ask you to postpone the start of the vacation from _ to _ in connection with _.”

The argument is:

  • the need to combine the period with the vacation of the legal spouse;
  • a personal need that has arisen (for family reasons);
  • purchasing vouchers for specific dates, etc.

The remaining details of the form coincide with the standard template - header, title of the document, signature and date at the end. The transfer is agreed upon with the employee’s immediate management.

Download an example application for rescheduling a vacation (25.0 KiB, 860 hits)

When going on study leave

If work is combined with study, it is quite difficult to do without a temporary break for a session. If an employee is enrolled in a university, he gains the right to receive study leave (in this case, the employer is obliged to pay for days of absence at the average daily wage).

A special feature of the application is the need for documentary confirmation of the fact of study at a specific educational institution (certificate of summons from the institute). Only students of universities that have passed state certification can receive paid study leave.

  • How to take academic leave at a university: reasons and example of an application

As in previous versions of leave, the same basic details are retained in the application, and the text includes a mention of the reason - “in connection with training.” The form must indicate the name of the university, the number of days, and the date of departure for the session. Here in the application they add a footnote listing the application (call to the session from the university).

It should be noted that a certificate from the university is taken not only to approve leave at the beginning, but also upon completion of training - before going to work. This will confirm that the employee indicated the true reasons and used the right to paid days according to the law.

Download an example application for study leave (24.5 KiB, 251 hits)

How to Correctly Write an Application for Vacation Remaining

  • Located in the upper right corner of the sheet. The dative case indicates the position of the head of the organization, the organizational and legal form of the organization, the name of the organization, the surname and initials of the head of the organization to whom this application is addressed.
  • The applicant's position and full name are written in the genitive case.

“Based on the provisions of Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to change the start date of my vacation to August 14, 2021. Leave the duration of vacation unchanged: 14 calendar days.”

Application for leave (read more...)

Vacation extension rules

Article 124 of the Labor Code provides for 2 cases of extending annual paid leave. This:

  1. Being on sick leave during the vacation period, which is confirmed by a certificate of incapacity for work issued by a medical institution.
  2. While on leave, the employee performed government duties, when for such a time he should have been released from performing labor duties (called up for military training, participation in a commission on labor disputes, etc.). This fact is also confirmed by official documents.

To extend the leave, the employee must present the relevant documents along with the application to the employer. This can be done up to the date of leaving the vacation (but preferably earlier, so that the employer’s order can be issued). Sick leave for child care does not provide grounds for extending leave. Only employee illness.

By the way, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, additional grounds for extending vacation may be provided for by local regulations and a collective agreement. Study such documents and pay special attention to how the basis should be confirmed.

How to Correctly Write an Application for Vacation Remaining

If you have any questions, you can consult for free via chat with a lawyer at the bottom of the screen or call by phone (consultation is free), we work around the clock.

If you have any questions, you can consult for free via chat with a lawyer at the bottom of the screen or call by phone (consultation is free), we work around the clock.

  • How to correctly write an application for part of a vacation
  • How to write a leave application for the remaining days
  • How to write an application for the rest of your vacation

Application for leave remaining days (read more...)

Download an application for rescheduling to the next year for family reasons (employee initiative) - sample.

Download an application for transfer due to production needs (employer initiative) - sample.

How to write a vacation application for previously unspent balances

But often employees are accepted into the organization after such a schedule is approved.
A new employee has the right to rest after 6 months. after employment. To use it, you must send a leave application to the head of the organization. The director reviews the document and makes a decision on it. When the “I don’t object” visa is stamped on the document, it goes to the HR department, and then to the accounting department, where all the necessary calculations are made. Vacation pay must be paid to the employee no later than 3 days before the start of the vacation. If you have any questions, you can consult for free via chat with a lawyer at the bottom of the screen or call by phone (consultation is free), we work around the clock.

Conditions for cancellation and transfer of vacation

At least 2 weeks before the start of the next calendar year, any employer draws up and approves the vacation schedule for employees. This is obligated by Art. 123 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

After approval of the schedule and familiarization of employees with it, further changes are generally not desirable . After all, the schedule is formed both taking into account the desires and capabilities of all members of the workforce, and taking into account production plans.

Also see ““.

But in practice, of course, there are situations when an employee cannot go on vacation as scheduled. In this case, it is permissible to postpone or cancel the vacation. Although, in fact, taking a vacation is also a kind of obligation, it is more appropriate to talk about postponing it. Then, on the dates specified in the schedule, vacation is canceled, and then the employee still takes it at another time.

Cancellation or postponement of vacation is possible:

  1. At the initiative of the employer (usually this occurs due to production needs).
  2. At the initiative of the employee (in this case, the employee indicates the reason for the transfer in the application).


Cancellation or postponement of vacation at the request of an employee is the good will of the employer. He can meet you halfway, but he is not obligated to do so. The exception is situations when:

  • is incapacitated for work at the time of writing the application (sick, injured);
  • the employee, during the period of annual leave, performs government duties for which the leave must be postponed;
  • the employer forgot to notify the employee about the start of the vacation at least 2 weeks before it started;
  • the employer did not pay the employee vacation pay before the start of the vacation.
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