Free form income certificate: sample
How to fill out 2-NDFL for 2021? The 2-NDFL sample is a document filled out in
Section 3 of form 2-NDFL
New rules for filling out salary slips
What do personal income tax codes mean? The Tax Code obliges tax agents to keep records of income paid to individuals
Kindergarten details for Sberbank Online
OKATO code structure The OKATO code includes from 8 to 11 digits. Their number depends
Sample and example of an explanatory note for coursework and dissertation work
Explanations to the balance sheet and a note are not the same thing Explanatory note
54 Federal Law on the use of cash register systems in 2020
Online cash registers from 2021 - a new law has been adopted (54-FZ)
Home • Blog • Online cash registers and 54-FZ • 54 Federal Law on the use of cash registers in
Income code 2760 (financial assistance up to 4000): features of use, meaning, application
What do personal income tax codes mean? The Tax Code obliges tax agents to keep records of income paid to individuals
Article 53 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Tax base and tax rate, fees
What is property tax Find out everything about property tax in legislative language
What is the maximum amount of sick pay in 2021
How sick leave is paid is established by labor legislation and regulations. It's about simple things
Insurance premiums for employees in 2020
Wages (employee remuneration) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee,
What is a quarter? How many months are there in a quarter?
What is the standard working time and production calendar? Before we proceed directly to the consideration
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