Features of transport tax for legal entities Transport tax for legal entities, as well as for individuals,
06.06.2018 | No comments The first months of the year are the time to take stock. It's worth thinking about
Which is correct: “non-provision” or “non-provision” Verbal nouns have two spelling options with a particle
All citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of majority are required to pay taxes, so many will be interested in knowing
The stay of citizens of another state on the territory of Russia must always be legal; accordingly, all manipulations
When is tax time? In any organization, certain dates of each month are fixed when employees
Simplified methods of accounting Simplified methods of accounting, including simplified accounting (financial) reporting, have the right to apply
If the founders / participants of the organization decided to liquidate it, then one of the following
Exchange differences when conducting export-import transactions All Russian organizations are required to keep accounting records in rubles.
Types The birth of a baby in most Russian families requires the mobilization of all financial