How will overtime calculations change as of July 1, 2021?
Duration of overtime work The duration of overtime work per week is 40 hours. Overtime duration
Commission agreement in accounting from the point of view of the commission agent
Remuneration of the intermediary Regardless of the nature of the order given by the customer, the intermediary is entitled to a remuneration for its execution.
Accounts receivable management using 1C:Enterprise 8
The main goal of the organization is to generate profit, which is influenced by various factors, one
Personal income tax in 2021 - what changes are expected, income tax rate
An individual entrepreneur sells an apartment or a car. Let's start with the amendments dedicated to entrepreneurs on the main tax system,
Tax calendar for 2021 for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs
Income tax Once a quarter, advance payments for income tax are transferred
Filing a VAT return in a year. Deadline for filing a VAT return. When should you pay VAT?
Deadline for submitting the transport tax report for 2021 From January 2021
3 ways to submit your own environmental assessment declaration!
Who is the payer of the fee for the NVOS According to Art. 16.1 of Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated
Cash book
Cash book in electronic form: we maintain, print and store correctly
A cash book is a financial reporting document that allows you to keep records of cash flows
1C-Rarus:Accounting for a non-profit organization
Program 1C: Accounting for a non-profit organization 8 was created to simplify the work of staff in
Reorganization in the form of transformation: how to report taxes
VAT During reorganization, property, rights, and obligations are transferred from the reorganized company (hereinafter referred to as the legal predecessor)
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