Which are included in other expenses Basic composition of an organization’s other expenses in accounting
Who is required to pay transport tax? Vehicle owners are universally required to pay a transport fee (see.
The state at the legislative level obliges entrepreneurs to deduct part of the income from their activities
The concept of distributed income Distribution of dividends is the prerogative of commercial organizations whose purpose of existence is
All employees have the right to take statutory leave every year after working for 11 months. Such a vacation
Bulatova Evgenia “THEORY OF LAW” The cameral department of the Inspectorate is responsible for seizing the current accounts of taxpayers
What is the useful life of buildings and structures? Serious utilities such as buildings and
Products have been released from the main production: at what cost are they valued? According to PBU 5/01 (approved
When an updated declaration is needed Sometimes it happens that after filing a tax return, an accountant finds
Useful life of the switch OKOF - All-Russian classifier of fixed assets 300. - Machines and